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The birth of

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:20 am
by metalfaceplates
Hi everyone, allow me to introduce myself real quick. My name is Chad Martini, owner of I specialize in Powder Coating small items in small runs. Basically anything that will fit into a normal sized oven. I have been doing this business now for over 3 years. Well, before that, I was a Tool and Die maker, hence a machinist, and before I was that, I was in the United States Marine Corps for 4 long years.

I have been friends with Timmy now for 5 going on 6 years. Him and I worked together at a certain Tool and Die shop here in Erie, PA, and I had the honor of him teaching me how to program, setup, and operate the CNC Milling machines. It was great, and I loved it. I learned from the best, from the Wizard of HAAS himself. So knowing Tim for the past 5-6 years has been great! Let me tell you guys, Tim is one smart cookie. He knows his shi*....I mean stuff with machining and engines.

So, 9/11 hit and I was let go at the shop basically because I was the low man on the totem pole and they had to downsize. I got another job at some other BS company and it sucked. So I quit that job and then went to school for Website Development and Management, and by this time, I was already Powder Coating. For my one class, we had to create a basic website, so was born. It immediately took off, and did so well, I decided to put school on hold. Now, 3 years later, it is still doing amazingly well and this is basically all I do.

So, moving on, now its Tim's turn. As of about 4:00 AM on October 27th, 2005, was just born. Its not there right this second, but something will be there soon. Tim and I decided it was time to get him a website. I have plenty of space on my server to share, so I am going to give some to Tim to use for his business. Its the least I can do for him!

But here is the deal, I know the basics for website development and management, but its not really my area of expertise. I can maintain my website, and make minor adjustments, but I sure as hello didnt create it! I have a friend that helped me out with that.

Well, is going to need some help. Which brings me to my question: Do any of you know how to program websites that would be willing to create something cool for the ole Timbo? I have a Microsoft Server, hence I can run ASP, so if any of you have any killer skillz in doing this stuff, respond in this thread!

Thanks for listening everyone, and its nice to meet you! Oh ya, I forgot to mention, I personally dont have a Cannondale ATV.....I wish I did....but I do ride a Cannondale Mountain bike! I own THIS BAD BOY!. So, I am a Cannondale Rider, but only I am the motor biggrin.gif

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:46 am
by cannondale27
Hey thats awesome!Tim sounds like you have made some great friends.Would like to help but I know nothing about websites.
I think Dembeck does that.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:48 pm
by bspblaster
Sounds great! I have never dealt with timbomoose directly, but I have just purchase a cannondale with his stroker kit in it and it runs awsome. I would love to know what services he offers via a website. I work in IT but don't know enough about websites to devolop one. You guys need to set something up for donations for the cause. Also, I like the cannondale mountain bike, I ride a giant and am thinking of selling it to buy a cannondale.

Eire, PA

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:44 am
by Chicken
where at in Eire Pa did you live
i used to live near St. Marys PA about 3 hrs away
funny my grand parents live there and my mother was raised there
i used to visit a lot until i moved to VA.
just thought id ask nothing else better to do right know. lol

o yea i might need some powercoating done on a few parts

ill let ya know


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:56 am
Ive been designing websites for about 10 years now. I just do it on the side as a hobby, and Im by no means a professional, but I can make some pretty sick looking stuff. I can do the full blown flash websites, but have found over the years, they take to long to load and most people still cant view them. A clean simple layout is what works best in my opinion with some good graphics to catch peoples eye. All my stuff is done with photoshop and dreamweaver anymore (I found thats what works best for me) and it would be easy for you or Tim to update or add stuff to if you know any html at all. If not, Id be more then willing to give you guys a quick lesson on the basics you would need to know. Id even spend as long as it takes for you guys to catch on, its no problem on my end, I update almost every site Ive ever made for people.

Lemme know if you are interested, and Id be willing to help out in any way.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:38 pm
by cannondale27
Is learning how to administer a website going to be a thing that needs to be done in person.Can help be given over internet?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:13 pm
help can be given over the internet. Actually help is all over the internet through tutorials.
Ive never taken a computer class or website class in my life.... Im 100% self taught on everything. Most of my learning has come from tutorials, or hints and tips pages on the net. The rest was done by the old fashioned way, just keep trying and playing until you learn it yourself. Im like that with everything I do though, if I want something - I make it. If I want to do something - I teach myself how to do it. biggrin.gif

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:30 am
by cannondale27
Me too.Not worried.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:14 pm
by CannibalAnimal
Hello. Great to hear about the new site. I here Timbo is quite knowledgeable when dealing with these engines. It just so happens that I work in websit development. I have been working in the website development industry for about 10 also. Went to scholl for it. I design alot of websites using microsoft products. It depends on the type of website you are wanting. A simple, non-graphical website can be done easy. As Chainsaw mention, you can find alot of information on the internet. If you want to include graphics and animation, you would need to use different technology to accomplish that, such as Flash. I design more industry driven website using .NET technology. Great software. It is a programming technology though. If you need my help, let me know.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:48 am
by tjusa
congrats timbo
even though you are all high teck and all now i think ill still order all my parts through little timbo "tj" as long as i give him a place to ride he gives me great deals:p oh ya tell him not to forget my ball joints this weekend