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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:24 pm
by timbomoose
****** I have deleted your responses to your posts in my section.You are welcome to post again.You do not have to agree with me or does anyone else.You are welcome to your point of view and I welcome it,but if you're just posting to get reaction to get under people's skin and waisting time to be a pain in the arse I will keep deleting.If you can help someone out great.If you find something you do not agree with post away and give reasoning behind and not in a such a condensending way.Difference in opinion can lead to progress.Dumb remarks just take away unless done in fun especially when people are looking for help.Put your talents to something constructive.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:43 am
by 311racer
booowwhhooo:cry: ****** you are the man, I dont care what anyone has to say about you. Dont go any where little buddy.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:18 am
by Happyboy
So you support ****** bashing on people for having ideas and making new items that he didn't think of?

****** is a smart guy. He has helped alot of people out with mapping and lots are greatfull. Noone has ever questioned his abilities to change maps and do good work. But why take offense to others trying to help people out also? Tim has played alot with the mapping trying to make it better for the strokers and ported quads out there. Instead of adding to that work Armok's would rather tear it down. Shame to see such a negative attitude come from someone that could add so much.

Tim has every right to tell him to chill out while in his forum. Tim, unlike ****** pays money to have this little forum. Tim can do what he likes and manage how he feels fit. He has told him to please feel free to add to the conversations but don't tear them down. Is that so hard to do?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:30 am
by Happyboy
I actually don't have a throne. Its more of a step stool to the real guys out there. And why post? Why don't you ask 311racer that? He is the one that butted in first.

And you do nothing special man. You do the same as many of us. Go over the normal items and if its mapping you tell them to go up or down or all around to get it right. You seem to think that you know so much more than everyone else when you really don't. Maybe if you would just get that litlte chip off your shoulder you would get along with everyone else.

I even complimented you in my last post and just said I would rather see you be a litlte constructive. And what do you do? Give your typical response and show just how pissy you are.

And since when is run it till it blows good advice?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:34 am
by Derno24
Now this isn't a flame on anything, but I know why ****** has a chip on his shoulder and understand it completely. If someone offers up another suggestion or something differing from certain opinions it turns into you don't know what you are talking about. I have completely given up trying to go out on a limb anymore. I deal with people I can see and talk too. When they need help I am there. ****** is one of the first people I talk to about thing regarding Cannondale. I think sometimes people need to look at both sides and stop saying no it won't work.

By the way Tim does good work!!!:usa :usa

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:19 pm
by cannondale27
The disaggrements over how to tune all arose over 1 thing.

The motor setups being tuned are different.

We have used the same dyno for every number ever posted.Have gone from 38 up to 55hp there is no way to dispute those numbers.The % of gain at least is there.

There is no way a stock airboxed non ported motor can be tuned the same as one that has a open filter and lots of porting.Also goals were different.The ones I have been mapping we were going for max hp and even AFR.Not trying for easy starting and perfect idle.Flowrate and offset cannot be adjusted after a point.Yes!Thats why maps are being changed.Ran into that barrier well over a year ago.

But 1 hp can be gained through other ways then some "magic" thing Yes a different setup can be had but is it relay needed? I have a prototype thing sitting here that you never got back to the guy that set it up.

Yes,Yes,Yes 1hp gain is needed for me but obviously not you ******.And that is fine.Just not what some of us are after.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:46 pm
by jwheat
Originally posted by Derno24
 If someone offers up another suggestion or something differing from certain opinions it turns into you don't know what you are talking about.  I have completely given up trying to go out on a limb anymore.  I deal with people I can see and talk too.  When they need help I am there.  ****** is one of the first people I talk to about thing regarding Cannondale.  I think sometimes people need to look at both sides and stop saying no it won't work.  

I haven't seen anyone's idea shot down if it was a good workable idea. I seen people suggest different things and then it was pointed out why it wouldn't work. Sometimes it turned into a fight because of smartass comments.

What I have seen is Tim, Steve, and John put up there own money and time to improve our bikes. Some things they have come up with have worked great and some things didn't.....that's part of R&D.

******....nobody disputes that you're good with fuel injection and that you have done alot of tweaking to help out with our maps (I run one of them), but what have you done to help out with the new improvements that are being developed for our motors. Why don't you chip in some time and help out with the mapping problems instead of just bitching about other people getting a few well deserved accolades.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:26 pm
by acarli3
Hands down the best map I rode when my engine was stock was the ****** x440/speed map. My x440/speed stroker map was based off of his original work.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:37 am
by cdaleman440
****** is the man :head: got power?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:15 am
by jacobw
****** you da man!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :bow: