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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:01 am
by ronnoc47
When you purchase the D&M kit for your iPaq you will have to call to get two codes. One code to install on your computer and one to install on your iPaq. You need a PC to load the info into the iPaq. So you are really buying two D&M kits.


Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:09 am
by cdalepilot
let me get this right ? d&m kit= 300.00 ; two codes or keys 150.00 each =300.00 ; ipaq (the one i like) =300.00 cha- ching total=900.00 plus tax ? anybody got a cheaper package deal ?sad.gif

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:12 am
by thomez
Originally posted by thomez

The first 1 (or maybe 2) unlock codes are included in the purchase price of the D&M. No further cost involved.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:19 am
by cdalepilot
sooooo around 600.00 bones, thats better ! thanks thomez:)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:27 am
by Derno24
Nah it is still $300, but you better have a laptop or home computer to load info to the ipac. That is when it gets more expensive. Otherwise you only have to buy the kit.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:28 am
by thomez
He said the other 300 was for the Ipaq he wanted.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:31 am
by Derno24

So Sorry:cry:

What are you doing home tonight...?????Thomez should be out drinking.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:41 am
by thomez
I'm unfortunately reading about ring species tonight - but it is for good reason.

I have 3 tests next week to prepare for and I am doing it now so that I can hopefully go to a race tomorrow evening in upstate Miss.

The things we do for our ATV's.... :head:

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:43 am
by Derno24
Ahh.....I understand I have race one on sunday....Good luck on the exams...


Not many people have the internet in the club where they work for toy money....

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 7:13 am
by thomez
Thanks, I might need it.

Uno examen es espanol. No me gusta la clase de espanol pero tengo la clase. Me prefiero la anthropologia y la biologia.

La clase de espanol es muy tonto y es un desperdicia o mi tiempo!

Tienes divertido en el discoteca hoy? Tu trabajo es excellente!