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DM and idle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:03 am
by kevin00
Ive been tring to get this thing to idle right for a long time today and I need some ideas on what to look for next because i'm out.
wont start up unless I crack the throttle to about 11% on the throttle position. and wont idle if i let off.
what ive tried:
tried adjusting the offset and flowrate.
offset was .8
flow was 2500

any other ideas guys, because im so tired of tring to figure it out by myself.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:36 am
by Derno24
Did you try this! It is on our tech page and covers all of this!

Click me

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:08 am
by kevin00
OK I think I figured it out after I had a few beers to clear up my head. smile.gif

Needs to be richened up though the header was glowing just sitting at idle. sad.gif
I've bumped the IO to 1 and the flow is down two 2400 and it still glows. Its a full HMF BTW.
the thing dosent pop or sputter when revved up but that header is getting awfully warm. I'll take it for a ride tomorrow to make sure of no pops or anything.
is this just a thing I will have to put up with or is something still wrong?

****** could you look up the orignals for me? I want to double check. and for future refrence.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:41 am
by cannondale27
Have you recently loaded a HEX code into it?Make sure you have the newest since there are a few that will cause exactly what you describe.Lean condition caused by open IACV which HEX operates.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:17 pm
by kevin00
Nope never messed around with hex codes at all.
I'm beginning to think its the IACV.
there is a IACV position sensor on the monitor screen isnt there? could this tell me anything?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:23 pm
by cannondale27
No not really.The reading doesnt actually read position of valve just where it is supposed to be.Is your idle screw backed out real far and still idles high?Best way I like to test IACV is with a COLD motor start engine,listen to idle,remove plug from temp sensor.Idle should change noticably.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:36 pm
by kevin00
No I think I took care of the idle. I got it set at around 2100 at about 3.6%.

If I let it just sit there and never even give it any revs the header still starts to glow.

thanks 27, i'll give that a try if that dont work i guess ill have to start reading up on HEX codes because I know nothing about them right now. :confused:
or should i download a new code anyway just to be certain, it cant be that hard right?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:39 pm
by cannondale27
It sounds as though you are very close to getting it right.If you have accomplished a 2100 idle I doubt the IACV is stuck and HEX is fine.Just some fine tuning on offset to go a little richer.