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Mapping for Dummies 101

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:32 pm
by MichiganMXer722
Alright i've owned my Dale for almost 2 years. Its had its ups and downs and i've learned alot about them. But i must admit I own a D&M kit and in those 2 years never changed maps one bit. I guess i was afraid the thing would just explode or something. Ive done throttle cal. and what not but i was just so lost when it came to changing maps. Time has come to change maps due to the addition of mods and the fact that i think my dale is a bit sluggish. Questions...

1. My motor is a stock 02 with a HMF pipe and bike velcoity stack, 14-42 gearing,i need a good all around map for mx and dunes. I dont have a laptop so basically i'll tune it at home and go ride.

2. When i change maps do i have to do plug checks everytime, and tune it with offset and flowrate?

Any other tips that would make this easier i would greatly appreciate. Just wish i wouldn't have taken so long to do this but its time to make the Dale run good!:usa

Thanx Jordan

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:16 am
by harleypitbull1
There is a mapping page on the website. I am not exactly sure where it is. Some of the guys on the website are very good with this. I know ****** and cannondale27 are big into it. I know a little so I will try to help but make sure one of them checks the info I give you before you do anything major. I think alot of the guys use the MOTOSPEED mapping. I believe it is the MOTO settings for bottom end and SPEED settings for the top end. I am sure someone will post it for you. When you hook up to the computer you have to download the info from your ECM. This will give you all of your throttle cals and flowrate and offset and all that good stuff. WRITE ALL OF THESE NUMBERS DOWN. When you get ready to download the new map , you will need these numbers to input them in. The offset and flowrate is different and special for every bike from the factory. Use the settings that come from your ECM in the new map. I hope some of this has been helpful, but I am sure one of those guys will help shortly. The different maps keep the same fuel settings, they just change the TS and how much fuel is delivered at different ranges of the map.

Re: Mapping for Dummies 101

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:16 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by MichiganMXer722
1. My motor is a stock 02 with a HMF pipe and bike velcoity stack, 14-42 gearing,i need a good all around map for mx and dunes.  I dont have a laptop so basically i'll tune it at home and go ride.

Here it is. Map selection is totally up to you. Once you have set the flowrate and I/O you shouldn't have to tinker with them again. All you have to do is plug new maps with your settings and you will be good to go. So my suggestion is to get several different maps and test them out. I know no laptop, but this would be your best suggestion. I know some people that run mx like the moto hit and some that prefer the Blaze/speed map. There are also more wicked maps out there like the xmx map and other variations. So testing on your part is the best way to get what is right for you.

Re: Mapping for Dummies 101

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:35 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by MichiganMXer722
2. When i change maps do i have to do plug checks everytime, and tune it with offset and flowrate?

You only have to get proper tuning once those settings should be able to swap from map to map unless the map is designed for a specific purpose. Meaning a ported stroker will have more fuel in certain areas so those just don't use. In order to get the settings right how I would do it is right now get your flowrate right. Take the quad download all settings into your computer. Do a full throttle run and do a plug check. Adjust the flowrate accordingly. Bigger the number the leaner it makes it. ( 2400 changed to 2500 is making it leaner) Smaller the number the richer it makes it (2400 to 2300 richer). I would only make steps in 25 increments. Get your flowrate done then move to the throttle cal and in turn set your offset. Use the tech tips from previous post. Then you can swap maps all you want. Just make sure you have a fresh plug before you start.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:16 pm
by MichiganMXer722
Thanx for the help, i hoped to start playing with it this afternoon if my shocks show up. I plan on starting with the moto/speed first and going from there.