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Problem with iPaq

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:33 pm
by ronnoc47
I have a iPaq 3835 with the D&M kit installed. It reads that it is connected correctly but I can only receive info from the ECU. When I send Info it says that it is communicating but no info is being sent. It just stays in that mode won't cancel or anything.
The D&M kit on my PC works great but I would like to use my iPaq.
Anyone else have this problem with their iPaq?


Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:41 pm
by EuroGOD
I haven't got one of those little hand held thingies yet, but...

Sometimes when either of the battery voltages, quad or iPaq, is low it will take a long time to download.

Did you make sure that you re-powered the ecu before hitting the send button?

When sending files to the ecu, can you see the progress in the upper right hand of the screen? If you can see the bar graph moving, then you are communicating. If you get the words "retrying checksum", then you have a small problem with communication.

I hope it all goes well, if not you may have to give scooter at optimum a call and he'll run you through it.
Good luck.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:49 pm
by ronnoc47
EuroGOD, I tried everything that you mentioned. The graph bar was there but wasn't moving. I'll probably give Scooter a shout.


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 5:23 am
by 00Honda400EX
Originally posted by ronnoc47
EuroGOD, I tried everything that you mentioned. The graph bar was there but wasn't moving. I'll probably give Scooter a shout.


Mine does the same thing, haven't had time to call that dude yet though. I have a 2200 btw, if you figure it out PLEASE post up!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 6:00 am
by cannibalq8
yo eurogod

re-powering the ecu after sending the map was my biggest problem when i get my SBM back ... do u remeber ?smile.gif)) i came like a crazy

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 6:56 am
by EuroGOD
Originally posted by ronnoc47
EuroGOD, I tried everything that you mentioned. The graph bar was there but wasn't moving. I'll probably give Scooter a shout.


That shows that you've got a connection, what is the led on the comms cable doing? Is is lit, flashing or out?

Whenever the download/upload takes longer than usual, I would suggest a weak battery voltage. What does the voltage show on the D&M program? Anything over 12.5 volts is good.
I had a laptop that would upload in under 30 seconds, download would sometimes take over 5 minutes....turned out the battery pack for the laptop wasn't holding a charge.

Disconnecting the computer during a download can corrupt the hex code as well.

Check your voltage, re-load the hex if necessary and tell us how it goes.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:39 am
by ronnoc47
I still can't get the iPaq to work. Like EuroGOD said it messes up the hex code or something when I disconnect it because it won't download properly. Then I have to use a desktop to reprogram in my stock settings. My battery on the quad is fully charged and the coms light is on and I have the iPaq plugged into a external power source with all programs closed except the d&m program. Still no luck. If anyone has used the iPaq to download maps, please let me know what the secret is to make it work. I'm starting to think that maybe the iPaq processor is to slow. The desktop works awsome but I bought the iPaq so I could change maps at the track.


Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:40 am
by Jumbo747
wher edo you get these & how =much is a complete set for a cannondale speed? how hard are they to install & what do youhave to do?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:42 am
by Jumbo747
gonna go read it now ****** wink.gif thanks

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:32 pm
by ronnoc47
iPaq update. Finally got it to work! works great now. Much more convenient than hooking it up to the table top pc. Problem was that I had to download a updated softpaq software to my iPaq. Found out about it on the HP / Compaq website. The d&m kit software was not the problem. Now I can look forward to my hair growing back! biggrin.gif

03 Moto