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Remapping Glamis with an HMF full exhaust

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 7:18 pm
by nuge
Is it necesary to remap when changing exhaust even if you want to stay with the original map?? I love the current throttle response of the glamis (speed) map for the dunes, but want a little more hp of course. A local dealer told me I would need to go with the moto map if I add a pipe?? Does the mapping process involve feedback from the engine or is it strictly a one way download? any help would be appreciated - I'm a newbie at this mapping stuff.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 4:03 pm
by nuge
Are you using the trinity or hmf exhaust?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 6:05 pm
by nuge
Guess I'll have to try a few different maps and see what works the best. Maybe the gp control "select-o-map" is the way to go. I met a speed owner recently while hill racing at the dunes. He had a an HMF pipe on a 2002 speed and was having lots of touble keeping his front end down. Needless to say he wasn't winning races. He had the moto map. Inexperience? Too much bottom end with the moto map? His plan was to extend the swingarm along with some other mods to solve his problem.

I like the speed map in the stock glamis - stong mid range and topend. Ocassionally it will begin to bog down pinned in 3rd on the steep part of the hill (this is not good with raptors on your heels). Maybe I am running too rich? A quick relaxing and repinning of the throttle and its back in the acceleration business. Anyone else experience this?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 10:19 pm
by cannondale27
You may benefit from a offset change.We never did any testing with the HMF pipe but with the Aaen pipe we ended up going richer wich really woke up the top end.I havent heard of anyone else going richer but that is what worked with our setup using the 03 speed map.We went up .30 from stock on the offset this is quite a bit richer any richer and at startup it would smoke alot.Like I said I dont know if this would work with HMF but it would be worth trying.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:00 am
by cannondale27
Yes,we took plug readings every .10 we went up and down.Also you might want to try different gearing if you gear it higher you might get more speed but be in the next gear down.Or depending on what sprockets you have you might be able to gear lower but I woulnt go lower than 13 front cause of wear on the swingarm protector and I dont think you can get a sprocket bigger than 42 for rear.If you can let me know.What gear are you in when it bogs out?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 2:45 pm
by nuge
3rd gear - bogs sometimes (not always) on the steep part of the hill. Heavier the whoops at the bottom of the hill the more likely to bog down it seems. If I quickly back off the throttle then open it back up the bogging stops.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 6:17 pm
by cannondale27
You could also try feathering the clutch a little.It takes practice and is hard on clutch but Dales have a good clutch.Ride it like a twostroke.