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Some D&M ?s

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:10 am
by BM426Racer
Okay, finally got a cable from Ram Electronics and it works. I hook everything up and of course the battery is shot. Hook up the battery charger. Must have touched the lead to the stater so the bike cranks over a few times. I really wasnt concerned at the time. So i get the d&m going now i got a error 3. What is this? Im pretty sure its not good as its not listed in the Optimum manual and they were closed by the time i got home from work, my buddy was also screwing around and sparked the fuel pump, now it just pulses. I think that is cause for a new fuel pump, so i guess ill take a trip to summit racing. Anyone have the part # for the msd pump? As for the code i dont have a clue so, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Re: Some D&M ?s

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:49 am
by levi550
Originally posted by BM426Racer
Anyone have the part # for the msd pump?

MSD Fuel Pump <----click here

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:01 am
by BM426Racer
Its a BAFO USB to R232 adapter part # bf-810 for those who want to know.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:15 am
by wistech
A lot of good a new fuel pumps going to do if you fried the ecu by shorting it out.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:41 am
by cannondale27
I bet if pump is just pulsing all you will need is the HEX code.Make sure you get the boot for covering the pump terminals.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:07 am
by BM426Racer
ECU isn't fried, tried it on another bike and it works, same with the fuel pump. I think there is a short in the wiring harness somewhere, as my D&M cable melted today, the box started to sizzle then cracked open and shot out a jet of smoke. That was not an encouraging sign, my buddy is printing out the manuals for me so we can go though and test all the components. Im pretty much stumped at this point as he is too. IF anybody has any thoughs feel free to let em rip. The fuse in the harness never blew.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:34 am
by BM426Racer
After 3 days of sorting and testing everywire in the harness, i think a have found the problem. Went so far a to call Brad at Black Widow and talk to him for like a half hour and then he told me to call ATK to see about a new harness. I found a bad diode on the lead that slices to the fuel injectors, i have continuety to the diode and none after. Anybody know who caries these? RadioShack? Ill do some searching tomorrow and try to find out. Just a little scared to fire up the harness and melt another D&M cable. BTW, scooter sent me a free replacement when i sent my old one back.:clap:

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:31 am
by wistech
Isnt that how a diode is supposed to work? Continuity in one direction and nothing in the other. Diodes can be had at Radioshack. Just take yours in and match it up. If your D&M cable shorted might that not have been the problem. IDK This is a wierd one.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:59 am
by BM426Racer
Yeah i believe thats how they work, but if its bad would it not just bounce the current back up the harness? I checked other lines with diodes and i got contenuity all the way through the line and splices. I don't have a clue with this one either. Im no electrician and i understand just enough to confuse myself. Maybe Kdeal will chime in i know that Brad mentioned he was gonna start fixing and rewiring harnesses.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:44 am
by cannondale27
When you test a diode current will pass with +- leads in one direction if you switch-+current wont pass.If it does that diode is probably good.Check your connections at the solenoid it is possible to hook up the wrong plugs and this could fry stuff like has happened.Sure battery is hooked up correctly?