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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:07 pm
by T-Rex
Sounds like some one is not telling the whole truth. American outmakers want us to change for some reason.
I'll stick with desiel running trucks.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:34 pm
by Easy E
Quote from

E85 is usually used in engines modified to accept higher concentrations of ethanol. Such flexible-fuel engines are designed to run on any mixture of gasoline or ethanol with up to 85% ethanol by volume. The primary differences from non-FFVs is the elimination of bare magnesium, aluminum, and rubber parts in the fuel system, the use of fuel pumps capable of operating with electrically-conductive (ethanol) instead of non-conducting dielectric (gasoline) fuel, specially-coated wear-resistant engine parts, fuel injection control systems having a wider range of pulse widths (for injecting approximately 30% more fuel), the selection of stainless steel fuel lines (sometimes lined with plastic), the selection of stainless steel fuel tanks in place of terne fuel tanks, and, in some cases, the use of acid-neutralizing motor oil. For vehicles with fuel-tank mounted fuel pumps, additional differences to prevent arcing, as well as flame arrestors positioned in the tank's fill pipe, are also sometimes used.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:44 pm
by chigger81
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Sep 22 2006, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also find it odd that GM,ford and chrysler have all jumped on this E85 bandwagon yet Toyota has not and has made a point of warning thier buyers to avoid anything with more than 10%.

Japan must import ethanol. Its not profitable for them. Ethanol will fuel the US economy. Its much easier to yeild ethanol from corn and sugar than rice. Plus, look how much space we have to grow corn over here. Japan is pretty small and it takes alot of plants to get alot of ethanol.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:36 pm
by cannondale27
I think Easy E provided the answer.I will bet that there will be consequences to pay for using that stuff.The big 3 have alot riding on sales of thier gas trucks.If sales go down because of cost of gas they are in alot of trouble.E85 is cheaper and it also tends to make us feel good buying it since its grown locally.Toyota is not in that position they have majority of thier sales in fuel efficient cars and can bear the loss of sales of gas guzzling trucks.I think they are once again being cautious in not going to it.Also almost all thier small trucks are Diesels sold overseas.The big ones (gas guzzlers) Tundras are made here right in heart of E85 producing states like Indiana so it must be a genuine concern for the longevity of them.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:46 am
by Smitty911
I read not to long ago that even if we used all of the land to produce the ethonal that it would only make about 15% of the fuel we need. So the US would be dependant on importing additional XXXX.

The problem will still be to many people driving solo. Electric will be the next ig push. Honda is coming out with a Hydrogen car that will run off your home Hydrogen maker that also poweres your house.


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:52 am
by cannondale27
Hate to get into it but if you research how much it actually costs to produce both Hydrogen and E85 it is not efficient whatsoever.It takes natural gas to produce the hydrogen like Honda does.That stuff is not cheap or unlimited also is a polluter.The E85 is really bad.My family farmed for many years and took pride in not growing corn on our land.Wheat and Alfalfa rotated so as not to ruin the soil.Corn and soybeans for that matter are terrible in that aspect.It also costs $ to fuel tractors and to prevent ruined soil fertilizer must be used.Only really viable alternative right now is Nuclear and nobody wants that in there backyard.But if the Navy can use it to run a Aircraft Carrier for 50 years without refueling it sounds pretty good to me for making electricity for our cars.