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New valve buckets.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:42 am
by wistech
As some of you already know Kdeal is the first to be R@D testing out a set of Hyabusa valve buckets on his quad.
They are the same part number as a z400 and likely many other machines. These are the shorter design like the early cannondale engines ans the lobes on the suzuki are very similar to also. If they can handle the insane rpms the bike revs to maybe they will be just what we need to extend our cam life.

We also would like some suzuki cams and buckets from any newer machine for destructive testing.

If any of you know someone who installed a set of cams and has some laying around we would apreciate some help. :hammer:

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:57 am
by Sandstorm
Cams off of what though, Busa, Gixxer, Z400??

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:34 pm
by cannondale27
Any of those.Want to do hardness testing.They will be destroyed in process.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:57 pm
by kdeal
Well guys, I am glad to be assisting in some way. I invited Wistech down for a little mentoring on repairing and rebuilding my growing horde of Cannondale engines and parts. He has a wealth of knowledge on the Cannondale engine, and some neat ideas and updates. A couple things I found very curious. First, I bought an insane amount of replacement parts that he did not think was needed in a regular rebuild. This kind of contradicts some people's accusations to the contrary about how he does a lot unneeded things to the motor. Second, he tends to put more time in the motor than money in parts for the motor. He does a lot of measuring and checking. Sometimes double checking of things already installed (it did save us on one major item). The last item is a warning.

Do not let him near your larger hammers & any type of die grinder or cut off wheel!!! He loves to beat & cut on things....

Seriously... John taught me a lot of good ideas and straightened out a lot of myths and legends about the basic rebuild on the motor. He is a good guy and great friend. I'm glad I was able to spend some time with him. Although we didn't get to do much sightseeing, I did keep him fed! Make sure you stock up on Doritos and Mountain Dew if you invite him to your house!!


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:37 pm
by wistech
I knew it was going to interesting when I got off the plane a big guy in a yellow cannondale jersey was holding up a sign that read DYNO KING.

I almost wished we would have pushed through the night to get the motor in. Your family must really think we are nuts.
Oh ya sorry about burning your eyebrows off in the explosion but really it wasnt my fault.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:41 pm
by cannondale27
Dyno King:clap: I bet he did.That would be a picture!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:22 pm
by azcannon
Oh yeah well I say when in doubt throw parts at it till the motors full and some of stick, sometimes you need 2 bottles of loctite for a motor and no quad starts within the first 48 hours of finishing a rebuild. They need time for the yeast to rise

there ,all new myths
guess youll have to fly him down again to work through those.

How do those hayabusa buckets fit in the slides? looser or tighter or what?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:44 pm
by kdeal
They are a perfect fit and are shorter for a little less weight. They may even be made out of a better material as they were used and didn't have a scratch on them. I will be putting a second set in a another motor in a few weeks.



Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:53 am
by T-Rex
I would stay away from the Z400 buckets just because I have a freind that has one and within 10 hours of use one of the exhaust buckets started showing ware in the center where the cam lobe contacts. Also remember that the Z400 is a single valve spring set up and the rev limiter is set at 7800rpm.
The busa sounds like a much better idea.....biggrin.gif

Re: Buckets

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:02 am
by azcannon
Originally posted by T-Rex
I would stay away from the Z400 buckets just because I have a freind that has one and within 10 hours of use one of the exhaust buckets started showing ware in the center where the cam lobe contacts. Also remember that the Z400 is a single valve spring set up and the rev limiter is set at 7800rpm.
The busa sounds like a much better idea.....biggrin.gif

Really ? I rode a z400 and never thought the rev was set that low and it was definitely all stock.