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little info on my pride and joy

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:56 pm
by haydug
My oldest is 6, and currently is riding a 2004 Suzuki LT 50. He also has a new water cooled LEM 50 ATV. I believe only a few of these are in the states. He likes the suzuki, but his little brother 3, is about to take over.
I think I like watching them ride as much as me riding myself.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:45 am
Thats cool Doug.

My oldest is my 9 yr old dauter. She tried racing once and that finished it for her. She has a E-Ton 90. Her first race she pulled the hole shot twice then went over the burn with a little help from another rider both moto's:mad: That was enough for her to decide this is not for her. She still putts around the yard every now and then though. I let her make the call. She is in to tv and games and SCHOOL. Honor roll since 1st grade.:deal:

My boy is 3 and will be 4 Dec 11. He eats,sleeps and plays quads 24/7:D He races a E-ton 50.

They both make me so PROUD:)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:58 am
by J. Delaney
My daughter is almost 2. I can't wait to see what she does on Christmas morning when she sees that brand new Barbie electric quad from Toys R Us sitting under the christmas tree!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:31 am
by Motoman440
My boy is going to be two in February 2004 and I have had the Power Wheels Mini Quad for him since last Christmas. He actually rides and steers it very well but gets board with it very quick. I think he is in search of more power!!! For his birthday this year, which I have already purchased, he is getting the Power Wheels Kawsaki Ninja quad!!! I think it's a little big for him right now but he will grow into it. At what age did everyone put their kid on a gasoline motorized quad??? I'm thinkin when he turns three but is that too soon???

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:21 pm
My boy got his ninja for his 2nd b-day. He got his 50 on his 3rd b-day. He did well from day one. I left the rev limiter on for about 3 months. Now he is wide open buy I keep him on a tight leash.
The minute he disrespects it I pull him off and have a good talk to him.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:41 pm
by haydug
Seth just turned 3 and for Christmas is getting all his gear. I'll probably take him to Jackson and ride around the litte track up there in the spring. Still trying to get the oldest to ride the LEM, but will probably have to buy another 50.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:52 pm
by EuroGOD
My wife is currently pregnant with our first.
I've already started getting the first bikes/quad into the shed...
There is currently a PW50, a minimoto (well 2 actually, I needed one as well!) and I'm searching for a clean LT50 as we speak.
I was around 21/2 when I first thew a leg over.... much better range of begginers bikes these days :head:

Can't wait!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:11 pm
by pdavis
i put my oldest on 2 wheels at 5 (pw50) wasnt long after that he was maxing it out (all 2 inches of suspension travel)then went to a KTM pro jr, and now that he is 9 he is on a kx 65
my youngest was on a powerwheels quad @ 1 1/2 and is looking for more speed and power, he is now 2 and i think santa is going to bring him a bigger power wheels quad...moms not happy :cry:

Gotta brag a little bit too.....

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:15 pm
by jeffro88
I bought my son a Yamaha 80 four wheeler for his 5th birthday. I remember him coming out of the house with a smile as big as Texas. I was going to sit him down and tell him where everything was (brakes,gears,gas) but before I could open my mouth he had jumped on it and was riding around the yard like he had been riding for years. Now he's 9 and into football,basketball,and everything else. He has a natural talent and is really good at anything he does. (also is on the "A" honor roll at school) We're going to give MX a try this coming spring. I hope he enjoys it because if he does there's no limit to his potential.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:11 pm
by Motoman440
Sounds like 3 is the transition age!!! I guess I will be in the market for a 50 Mini Quad next summer. Now, does anyone have any input for what is the best mini quad for the money??? I got another boy in the oven and in about 3 years I want him to be able to take over this quad that I purchase so duration is a must!!!