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Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:22 am
by Dachshund

Justin will be racing his Cannondale in the Sunday race at 2:00PM. This will be his first race ever. Even though this is his first race, he is very talented and I am anxious to see how he does. I will be pitting for him and going to try to get as much footage as I can. I will try to follow up with how every thing goes and pics.

He told me last night he was getting nervous and asked me if I ever got nervous when I raced. Told him as soon as the gate drops it's gone.

On a side note, we are going to be racing in the AMA district 14 at Log Road in Coldwater, MI this coming season so this will be the start of the year for him. Yes this old fart is gonna do a little racing too this year. See if I can still show the kids how it's done. wacko.gif

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:41 pm
by cannondale27
Good luck guys! Let us know how it goes. Go for the holeshot and don't look back!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:11 am
by Dachshund
The following was written by Justin's cousin; Jason Boothman. He wrote such a good report, I felt it only natural to share. I could never write this good anyway. Here are more pics on his blog of the race:

"On January 20th, 2008 Justin Good decided to make his debut appearance in the racing world at the Fort Wayne Arena Cross in Fort Wayne Indiana on his recently acquired Cannondale Quad. This is my account of his story.

Justin and Steven arrived at my house at the stroke of midnight the night before the race to spend the night. Knowing he had a big day to come we of course went to bed one in the morning. Six o'clock a.m. came very fast as our alarms went off and we started getting ready for the big day. The first thing we realized was that it was FREAKIN FREEZING OUT...but...I digress.

The three of us made it to the Fort Wayne Coliseum shortly after 7 a.m. where Steven and I purchased our pit passes and Justin registered. All was nearly lost as they mistakenly thought he was 17 and said they required a parent's signature. After roughly 2.53 seconds of shear panic we told the lady he was actually 20 and disaster was narrowly diverted...for now.

After registering we went back outside to get the Quad and gear. Did I mention my nose hairs would freeze instantly upon walking out the door? As we pushed his Quad into the "holding pen"???? there were no set spots so we just had to find an opening and claim it. Since it was our first time the three of us, in our newbishness, grabbed the first opening we saw which was a mere 15 feet from the door. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but I think I've already mentioned it was so cold that if you spit it froze and shattered by the time it hit the ground..seriously...I think I saw someone do this...seriously.

After Justin and I stood in a group for the "????????????riders meeting"???? which we couldn't hear b/c the guy talked about as loud as a mouse we rolled his quad to the staging area for a practice run. He took a few laps around the track but there were so many people running on it he couldn't really get up to speed and actually ended up stalling it on a turn so he had to push it off the track...practice over. Time for the real deal.

By now Jeff and Chandler had showed up so the whole gang was here. Justin started out his first qualifier run amazingly well. He took first out of the gate and was running very well until he decided to try for a jump that we had all countless times tried to talk him out of...seriously...we did...truly...yeah, I wouldn't believe me either. Justin lifted off from the jump looking very looked like he was flying...but all things must...he hit the ground. Instead of hitting the backside of the hill he was trying to get over he hit the front side and came to a dead stop. Stalling the quad he was nearly thrown right over the top. Although he was able to get going again this was the turning point in the race. Nearly hitting a wall a few times tipping on a turn and having issues in the "woops"???? he finally conceded defeat as he rolled his quad coming out of the woops and was forced, once again, to push it off the track.

Having forgotten his chest protector Justin was very sore after that run and definitely had some nice size bruises to show for it. As we were once again in the holding area some other riders had come up to Steven and let him know that Justin's quad was actually set up all wrong for indoor racing so after making some modifications it was time for his second qualifier. Little did we know this was the final qualifier...make it or go home.

Chagrinned with his first qualifier performance Justin was once again annoyed with the fact that due to reasons we didn't agree with he was forced to start behind the pack even though there was plenty of room in the front row. Not letting this get to him Justin pulled into 3rd out of the gate into the first turn and by the time the first lap was finished had taken second place. With his smoothest run of the day Justin held second, guaranteeing him a spot in the final race.

Race time and although Justin was in the back row he was able to gain the inside spot making him very happy. But once again, chance intervened throwing a wrench into his plans for victory. The gate dropped and the riders hammered down there throttle...but there was once teeny weeny, tinsy winsy, miniscule problem...the guy in front of Justin had stalled his quad. Being at full throttle Justin plowed right into the rider in front of him. Not wanting to jump off and push his quad back he kept bumping the guy until he was finally able to pull around him but by this time the other eight racers had made it to the first turn. Not one to give in easily Justin put on his game face and slowly started working his way up the pack. Even though there were a few minor slip ups he had a good run and ultimately ended up placing fourth which was a truly amazing comeback with what happened at the starting line.

The five of us stuck around or some time watching all the other races but finally decided we had seen enough as were starving. We ended up eating at Buffalo Wings & Ribs where we asked Justin where he was sore. After about two minutes we decided to change the question to where "aren't"???? you sore. "My head is fine"???? he replied as he swung it side to side. "Ouch...nevermind" he said rubbing his neck.

Thus ends my telling of the tale where Justin made his racing debut. Even though he is undoubtedly sore today we all had a lot of fun and I for one can't wait to hang out with him at his next race."

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:33 am
by Dachshund
Here are the results for the main: 4th place open, which was considered class B. When he registered, they asked for make of quad and even spelled it for them, but none the less it ended up being labeled Unk. I guess the sponsers have nothing to gain by listing the Cannondale.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:12 am
by cannondale27
Awesome! Great job and a really nice race report. Nice looking quad also.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:38 am
by ozarkdaler
Good Job!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:54 am
by ciscorc
very nice! congrats on your debut.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:03 am
by jtracker
Thanks guys! I was proud to be riding a Cannondale. A lot of people would come up to me and ask me what it was and wanted to know more about it. My dad said he couldn't believe how far ahead I was out of the gate, the others were on 450r's and yfz's. I can't wait to get it outdoor! Also a big thanks to my cousin for making a very good write up!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:08 pm
by kdeal

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:19 pm
by ACEwrench
Great job! way to go!

i was noticing in the picture the wheels looked a little "toed in" was the steering a little twitchy? check over your tie rods as i have bent a few during some "mishaps"