Is Haydug Cycles still open ???

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#11 Post by toothandnail »

Hey I'm not trying to stir anything up I would just like an answer.
I also run a 1 man business and I know what it's like to not be able to get away from the phone and go to work, but I assume that alot of dugs business is mail order and that entails phone communication, if he wants to cut back on that aspect of the business then let me know and I'll go else where, but send me my parts or $$ back. I've delt with dug because up until now every thing he said he did, and if there was a problem with something being late or what ever , he called to let me know and I appreciate that and that is why I've waited so long to post , as Istated earlier ,What other options do I have??

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#12 Post by KYmxracer52 »

In my .02 worth, if you're going to have a secretary, get one that knows a little about stuff. Most of the time I call, they are very detailed tech q's for Doug. I know and the secr. knows she can't answer them, so therefore I must talk to the man. All I know is, when I order parts, I expect to have them within a week or two. Well, the last few times I've called to order parts, its taken about a month to see them. If its going to take longer than expected, please call and let me know, cause most of the parts I order I need pretty soon, not in a few months. When you need a part for a race, and they lead you to assume it will be there in a respectable time, it kinda ticks you off when it doesn't show up and when you call, they act like you're wasting their time, then they tell you it hasn't been shipped??? Who wouldn't be pissed?

I'm not trying to rag on anyone, Im just trying to give my view on the matter. Hopefully its positive criticism!!

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#13 Post by cannondale27 »

All I can say is try ordering parts for a Yamaha engine.Or even a HRC kit for a Honda.Some things just take forever and the suppliers to Doug I am sure make promises they dont keep.He hired the secratary so he could build motors because he couldnt trust anyone else to do it right.The secratary will learn but it will take time.If she knew alot about Cannondales I bet Doug would have her building motors.Things will get caught up eventually.In meantime I am sure if you tell Doug you need something for a race on x day and he didnt believe he could deliver he would say to go elsewhere.He is a racer after all.

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#14 Post by cannondale27 »

When I was ordering the 2FALICONS  's and 450 kits we talked many times calls were returned promptly ,but now that I need service on an out of spec. part

The Falicons.These cranks have been a huge thorn in everyones side and have caused Doug major headaches and setbacks.They seem to be worth the trouble.But they are the main reason behind a lot of problems.It is a snowball effect.Try to make up for ticked off people who waited forever and you end up ticking off more people.Cant anyone see that?I have not spoken to Doug about any of this but it doesnt take a genious to figure that out.I am sure the Falicons even had a huge effect on Maz's situation.If your looking to blame someone that is where I would start.

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#15 Post by CptHook »

Seemed like a reasonable request to me, he wasn't out of line or anything. You just made yourself look like more of an idiot by posting it on here.

"Look everyone! Doug sent me a private message politely suggesting that this isn't the correct place to be having this type of discussion. Well Ill show him! I'll post it on this here public forum and really make myself look like a jackass!"

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#16 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by ******
It wasn't like you guys went on here and exriders with your problems with him now was it?rolleyes.gif

NO one went anywere and bashed anyone until doug made a sarcastic comment to me about something he had no clue about.
even then it was me who opened my mouth about doug, and i didnt bash him i just made a comment that he owned some freinds of mine some money.
i guess he didnt like the fact that i made that statement, but it was true. i didnt air any dirty laundry.
doug was the one who told me to go F myself.
dirt tried to handle this all throguh Pm's.
and as fare as i know the sitiation has still not been resolved.

all you babies cry when some one who has a problem with one of your buddies and post's about it, "no way thats true so and so would bnever do that" well what the he11 is this place for?its to let people know the good as well as the bad.

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#17 Post by toothandnail »

Talked to Dug on monday ,he said the part was back ordered and he is expecting it this week and he'll ship it as soon as he gets it so I'll wait and see:)

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#18 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by ******
Lou I know both sides of the story and had followed the threads all over the forums. The way they posted thier remarks and you posted yours directly went after doug. Why don't you try your argument somewhere else where you think people care what you say.

....and you can go f yourself

i would like you to show me my post were i directly went after the almighty doug.
god forbid anyone says anything negative about the almighty haydug, he can do NO WRONG,
tough words from someone who lives 5 hours away......another computer tough guy.

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#19 Post by quadprorider »


Can you please take your lip flapping sh?t talk back to atvriders? Oops I forgot, they don't like you and neither do we! If you are a real tough guy behind YOUR computer why don't you come on down to ol' Delaware and lets see what you are made of big dog. It would be a pleasure to finally be able to meet you and to see where all this bull is coming from. Pm me your number so that we can meet up some time and have some nice conversions over a cup of jabba..... Thanks!

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#20 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

you tell em nick, i've seen him ride and he's pretty good, but this talk isn't necessary by anybody

lets get this back to what we all really want here, good info on these quads!