Why are you ignoring me?

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#11 Post by SpArx »

Originally posted by Mjollnir
Can I chime in? None of my business, but everyone knows I butt in anyway. No one else has, so I feel compelled to speak up so that these two parties can see how at least one person is seeing this.

It is your business if you plan on dealing with Haydug cycles. I posted all this for you to see. Not just Doug, cause until now he can't ignore me and my business anymore, he has no choice on here.

Doug - It would appear to me that you were a pro from the start. He waited 6 months to come back to you about the Swingarm - how are you to know that he didn't or break it racing or something? He also very quickly became hostile, calling you unprofessional when you had clearly displayed your regular level of professionalism in all the e-mails.

You misunderstood, I did not wait 6 months, I was on it right after a month and a half to two months of waiting. The usual time it takes longest for me to get the item. [

Mr. Sparx - Not calling you a liar or anything, but if I was missing that much in parts, I **** sure wouldn't wait 6 months for a followup. That's just me. You also accuse him of ignoring you when he clearly had responded to your previous e-mail, as shown in your own transcripts.

I'm sorry that all emails were not saved, just the ones he chose to respond to. Doug can gladly send all the emails I had sent, unless he cared so little he just deleted them like the annoying mosquito I musta been? But honestly, truthfully I had sent at least around 5 since Dec 4, the last talk via email with him. He has yet to send one back! That's why I came on here. That's why I just posted the only other one I have that he hadn't responded to today for your clarification. If you want to know anything else, please feel free to ask!

Something smells fishy to me, that's all. I think Doug's offer is very gracious. Perhaps we should all take this as a lesson to request that a shipper use a trackable shipping method when shipping high dollar parts.

Yes, my bad, I trusted Doug in that matter, but I should have known better after that many transactions. I do that on ebay, why I didn't do that on here, I don't know. Doug is a great guy when things go right. He was one of the nicest guys to me from the start, giving me his personal cell number and everything. Everytime we talked things seemed on track and reasonable, to above reasonable, dropping off my stuff when he was with his family which is totally unecessary or expected of me(my hiper wheels). The products came with little damage as well. What went wrong on the swingarm, I can't say, I never got it. But I did get the one package, an evelope with USPS stamp saying that it was "Returned for better address. Show country of destination in english and not abbreviation." I have taken a picutre and on one of the boxes there isn't even a CA, or Canada printed on the box whatsoever, looks like my steering stem box was fine, but the Hiper boxes didn't have Canada? Inconsistant much?


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#12 Post by SpArx »

Originally posted by haydug
SO:  one package arrived even after being miss addressed, using the very address you gave me.
Did you forget about first telling me you didn't receive a handlebar clamp, then changing to you wanted to switch it for an oversize?
How do I honestly know you have not received this part? As I have asked you before.

Another lie, all my addresses include Canada in the info and Diefenbaker, not Diesenbaker even though that doesn't matter much that part. But Canada, common. Like sending a part to another country doesn't require the country's name of destination? USPS makes me sign before I take a package home, I have signed for every box exept for that one. The proof is in the pudding! I asked for another handlebar clamp as I needed the oversize, not the regular and said I would pay for it when you ship out the new swingarm, chain guide, and bottom adj steering post stop.

I will do 1/2 of dealer cost, and pay shipping. It will be shipped UPS, with tracking, and also shipped by business so you will be responsible for your taxes/duties or whatever. I tried helping you with all of that b.s. by shipping it from me personally USPS and it bit me. So, we both gambled, we both lost.

True to that, I'll suck it up, we'll get it over with, let me know the cost and when I agree on the total charge me on the same card you charged the rest on upon verification. You are completely responsible for insurance and insuring that this parcel does come to me. I will wait two months from date of shipment which you will supply me when it left your hands and not one day more. That gives it plenty of time even if it is sent via Econonmy parcel, average being two weeks.

You pay 1/2, we'll ship it up.

No free handlebar clamp  :drink:

Or no more purchases as I offered due to the miscommunication, just like how I took it for the RPM axle and rode it out like a big boy wihtout crying either!

Me and everyone here are still waiting to here a response to my deleted first post before all these, I have how many posts? Count them and look around, you'll see one less for some odd reason, you just delete it to get me outta your hair again! I'm not letting back, this $1000 ain't for free this time! And why you never ever called me back once the money was in your pockets for anything when you knew alot of heat was coming about this back in June/July! Admit your shop is not as professional and responsible as it should be. Not all this is your fault, but it wasn't all my doing, all I had to do was sign to receive the box, we hadn't even gotten that far without problems. I just went bad in not being professional and responsible at my end to insure insurance was purchased when you guys contiously lie to me telling me it is unavailable, explain that too while your at it?

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#13 Post by SpArx »

Enjoy the photos, since you guys are all trying to make it seemed like I screwed Doug somehow, I went out on the spur of the moment and took these pictures with a date on a sheet to prove my point, picutres of various boxes I still have and the envelope with USPS stamp that an improper addressing was used. Look closely on one of the Hiper boxes, somehow it got to me without even being addressed to Canada! Lucky for those boxes, not so lucky on the swingarm I guess! My loss! Learn from my experience boys! Don't trust anybody for the simplest of tasks!
In the quad pics, you'll see a stock swingarm, sorry the paper blocked the lower steering stem stop, and you'll see the regular bar sized anti-vibe clamp with the stock handlebars attached. It was my bad when I tried to exchange that one for an oversized and then doug thought I was trying to get a free one, so I told him nevermind all thought I'll just buy a completely new oversized clamp when you send out a new swingarm, chain guide, and lower adj. steering stem stop. In these pictures I have the a-arms, steering stem, chain relocator, hiper wheels, regular bar clamp, RPM axle all purchased from Doug installed. Never did receive the swingarm box or an invoice for the matter in that envelope with the other invoices? Go figure? Now where do I stand? Need any more info, just shout! I'm all game! So who's been :drink: now Doug? I came to the fight with gloves on, did you?


Here's the infamous letter with the "missing" invoice having to do with my swingarm, steering stem stop, and chain guide. Yet irronically I received every other part and invoice, hmmm....


Who puts an address over two boxes? If the boxes separate, they only get half way there? OMG, common! I'm so lucky these made it through, let alone to Canada without it even being marked on the box!


Gotta luv the missing Houser swingarm here, wonder who's enjoying the free swingarm now, not me? Like the date, for all them peeps out there looking for loopholes in my mistakes? Man, give it up and have some common sense already! Wouldn't you be choked if you got screwed outta $1000 when you spent over$3000 with a guy!


Here's the a-arms, regular anti-vibe clamp with stock handlebars, if you want a pick of the stock steering stem clamp, let me know what you want in the pic, a carrot, teddy bear, whatever, consider it done, I through the date in there for all you naysayers. I have nothing to hide, why would I? I'm not trying to screw Doug outta a swingarm like some dude did with a headlight he told me a while back, I got better things to do with my life! Give me a break! I've been on him non-stop since Feb, if he had the galls he'd admit to it. Too bad he's always busy working on a motor when I call up all the time. And I get the "Sweety, don't worry, I'll take care of you" from some lady at the front answering the phone. I'm 25, not a kid crying bout some spilt milk. I rode the season without my swingarm that I paid $1040 for! How would any of you feel? I trusted the guy every month he told me it was taken care of just to get jacked!

Have a beer while watching all this evidence, it's on me! LOL

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#14 Post by Happyboy »

Gavin, relax a little bit for a second and see what Doug does. I don't think that everyone thinks you are lieing. There are always 2 sides to the story so we don't know.

Its in everyone's best interest not to interfere in these matters and just let Doug deal with them. All extra posts on either side do is aggrevate the matter.

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#15 Post by SpArx »

Thanks for the input, I'm sure you can understand I'm a little frustrated in the matter, especially when I feel like I'm being tag teamed cause I'm the oddball here on a Canondale forum. I'm trying to be as honest as possible here and if anyone needs any info I'll do my best most honest way to represent my side of the story. Don't get me wrong, Doug is a great guy, he may be too busy for his own good. But this is a sticky situation where we both don't want to lose our shirts I understand. How do you come of something like this? It's not just problems shipping to Canada, but there's no one to trust anymore in the shipping industry? Yes Doug may have had some mistakes in the Address, but they are supposed to catch that before he sends it out, they do with me at my post office? Plus they continously lied to Doug and his co-workers telling them there can't be insurance for the items when there absolutely is, I've gotten it 85% of the time I buy items over the border! So what does everyone agree should be done so Doug and I can resolve this honestly and equally? We should start a poll! LOL But seriously? He shouldn't pay, neither should I, but USPS denies any problem being there's too?

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#16 Post by haydug »

I think it is fair if we both pay 1/2 of dealer cost. You got a nice discount, so it isn't that much to ask. However, I will ship it via UPS this time, which I know will cost alot more money, and you will be responsible for taxes/duties since it will come from my business, and not a "gift" from me like the others.

As stated before: I don't like to ship to canada. Maybe my post office(or USPS in general) is behind the times, seems like it sometimes, should be some way of tracking something like that.

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#17 Post by SpArx »

Originally posted by haydug
I think it is fair if we both pay 1/2 of dealer cost. You got a nice discount, so it isn't that much to ask. However, I will ship it via UPS this time, which I know will cost alot more money, and you will be responsible for taxes/duties since it will come from my business, and not a "gift" from me like the others.

That's fine, I never asked you in the first place to place them as a gift, I never do, a purchase is a purchase. It was appreciated and you know I've shown gratitude for it. It didn't save me $1000 however to recoupe my loses as well. I'm fine with the taxes/duty, I make enough money to pay for that if it's necessary. Just let me know what you plan on charging me via email or pm on here, then when I agree charge away.

As stated before: I don't like to ship to canada. Maybe my post office(or USPS in general) is behind the times, seems like it sometimes, should be some way of tracking something like that.

That's fine, I'm sure some other company will want the $5000 instead for my Raptor buildup. If you don't want to deal with Canadians I'll send all my other business and references elsewhere. There is a way of tracking it, go to USPS website, the bs they fed you there is pretty sad. It's not like they get to choose how they want stuff sent, they have to follow the USPS protocal, they didn't and it jacked both you and I. Maybe until you find a more reliable USPS office somewhere else I'd stick to FedEx and UPS. FedEx is okay to Canada, UPS sux, but I'll deal to finish this transaction. I should know, I have a $7000 Turbo on it's way to me from Michigan, and SLP from Idaho is overnighting some snowmobile parts to me. I know how shipping works great to Canada, your local USPS really fed it to you bad. And it's bad that it ruined our transaction and it had to end up this way. Worst part is they should have fixed the address errors in the first place. What kinda of place is that? They don't even look at the address before it goes out? They do up here for me, and I have made mistakes sending to the States as well, I know your only human, I'm just not made of money to afford $1000 losses all the time like this! Gavin

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#18 Post by rubicon20032003 »

why don't you discuss this with email? Instead of posting your problems on board? That would be the right way to do it?

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#19 Post by UpsMan »

Canada eh? I refuse to sell to Canadians due to some bad ebay experiences. But thats just me. You guys do what you want.

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#20 Post by SpArx »

Originally posted by rubicon20032003
why don't you discuss this with email? Instead of posting your problems on board? That would be the right way to do it?

Trust me, I tried 5 times since Dec 5. I couldn't get a response back, but I did on here. So it works. As well others can give better input as to a fair resolution such as a mediator. That's what forums like these are for.