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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:09 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by quadprorider

Can you please take your lip flapping sh?t talk back to atvriders? Oops I forgot, they don't like you and neither do we! If you are a real tough guy behind YOUR computer why don't you come on down to ol' Delaware and lets see what you are made of big dog. It would be a pleasure to finally be able to meet you and to see where all this bull is coming from. Pm me your number so that we can meet up some time and have some nice conversions over a cup of jabba..... Thanks!

you guys are funny man, ****** was the one talking sh1t here not me.he made statement that arent true.
why should i come down to delware for anything? come up here i know i can hold my own on the track or what ever esle your talking about.theres a race this sunday.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:24 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by ******
quote from the proving someone wrong thread on atvriders "well the guy he bought it from was haydug who is supposed to be the MAN, GOD around the cdale website, you would think he's trustworthy."

"dougs didnt blow up at the 6 hour in georgia?
dont give me the coolant line radiator nonsense.with all the fixes you guys have you cant fix that?lol now thats pathetic"

Get real that sounds like putting down someone and thier work to me.

Theres that tough NJ attitude coming out again come up here I'm afraid to leave the state, I'll race anyone on my track
rolleyes.gif :cry: BOO HOO go back to exriders.

are you kidding me? thats not bashing anyone right there.yea that might not me a compliment but its not anything that isnt true.
you guys put me down all the time and im not crying about it.
in your first quote about kenny's bike blowing up, i stated in a previous post that i didnt want to mention the sellers name but happyboy did it for once he did there was no reason for me for me not to use dougs name.
in your second quote that was no way a put down to doug i was just making about the reliablity on the dale.
maybe if you didnt take that out of context everyone else would see that.

you can call my attitude anything you want.i have better ways to spend my time then driving for 5 hours, ill drive and an hour and use that extra 4 on the track.but you do want to drive 5 hours and race on YOUR track, BOO HOO.

if you guys dont want me here BAN not making any personal attacks on anyone unless they attack me first or responding to post's any differnt then all you guys do.
the only differance is i piont out some problems that the dale has and you guys dont like.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:27 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
you tell em nick, i've seen him ride and he's pretty good, but this talk isn't necessary by anybody

lets get this back to what we all really want here, good info on these quads!

you coming to etown this saturday and sunday?
youll be picking something up right?you racing too?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:21 pm
by quadprorider
Chris, we should just stop talking to Lou about this subject because oviously it's like talking to a brick wall, he will just never understand nor stop yapping. To solve this problem, when Lou gets enough balls to come outside of NJ, then we will see where all this big man and smack talk comes from and see if we can't get em' straightend up. Well Lou, I hope one day I will have the pleasure to meet you but until then, I will just have to deal with all of your internet bull Sh!t..........

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:32 pm
by mxer450
Originally posted by quadprorider
Chris, we should just stop talking to Lou about this subject because oviously it's like talking to a brick wall, he will just never understand nor stop yapping. To solve this problem, when Lou gets enough balls to come outside of NJ, then we will see where all this big man and smack talk comes from and see if we can't get em' straightend up. Well Lou, I hope one day I will have the pleasure to meet you but until then, I will just have to deal with all of your internet bull Sh!t..........

lol yea thas what i thought,guess you dont want to give me your number huh.figures...guess you just chose to ignore my PM tough guy.maybe one day when you get enough BALLS you can come up to nj.
when i do deciede to make a trip down there ill be sure to let you know, ill like when people try to straighten me out, i usually get a good laugh............... till then

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:39 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
Originally posted by mxer450

you coming to etown this saturday and sunday?
youll be picking something up right?you racing too?

yea the cdale is for my sister's boyfriend who has hated working on cdales all his life, but wants something more competitive to run in the open class for cheap than his raptor

i'll be there on my yellow/blue JRD YFZ 228 come n say hey!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:08 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
yea the cdale is for my sister's boyfriend who has hated working on cdales all his life, but wants something more competitive to run in the open class for cheap than his raptor

i'll be there on my yellow/blue JRD YFZ 228 come n say hey!

ill be there both days, ill have a big banner that says "i hate dales"

just kidding, lol
you have blue plastic with yellow frame of the other way around?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:05 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
other way around, y ellow lakers with blue frame, arms, etc

name's Leric, will you be with ken when we get the dale?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:05 pm
by mxer450
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
other way around, y ellow lakers with blue frame, arms, etc

name's Leric, will you be with ken when we get the dale?

yup, ill see yea then

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:02 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
other way around, y ellow lakers with blue frame, arms, etc

name's Leric, will you be with ken when we get the dale?

hey leric, how did you do yesterday?what class you run?
was nice meeting yea, sorry i didnt talk to yea much, you guys were talkin bussiness you i didnt wanna both yea.then when you picked up the bike i was out racing, owell
im sure we'll see each other there again, lol

o yea, i just need to get my dale trashing in, lol
i only saw 2 dales there yesterday, lol
actually i was pretty impressed with the one i saw he made it through a whole 4 moto's without blowing up. not bad, not bad at all:clap: