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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:19 am
by CptHook
I do have one thing to add. After receiving everything back from UPS that I had shipped out (Motor and ECU) I noticed that my ECU had a pretty noticable dent in it that was not there when I sent it out. Here we go UPS rolleyes.gif Let's just hope she still works when I plug her back in sad.gif I never even thought of that until now. I dont think I will be using UPS anymore if I have the choice.

aaahhhhh Thanks, I guess.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:55 am
by Smitty911
First off I didn't post the picture here for major discussion. I forgot my website password or they would have been there with a PM'd link for Doug. There are to many and two big to e-mail also, when I tried it got kicked back.

As far as should have, would have, whatever. It's to late to do anything about that.


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:57 am
by UpsMan
Definately use fed ex next time.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:16 pm
by MI_CDALE_Rider

I for one am glad you did post your expereince on here so that others (like me) that hasn't shipped a motor etc. can learn from the trials of others and hopefully as a direct result of sharing of this information, prevent a similar issue in the future

As they say.. **** happens, I'm just sorry that it happened to you/Doug as well as the others on this site.

May that frame rest in peace smile.gif

Sorry for jumping in but I had to throw in my $.02

Best of luck getting your Dale healthy again soon!


Who's to blame

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:23 pm
by T-Rex
Originally posted by turbospeed440
well i have to say that its not really ups's fault.  haydoug should  have made a nice wooden case and had the engine bolted down.  but dont worry cause haydoug should have put like 2000 in insurance on it .  we use ups everyday to ship stuff.  we send out stuff that weights from 5 lbs to 250 and  if its to big for bubble wrap we make a wooden crate.  Plus metal band it for added safety and use expandable foam.  never have a problem.  
We ship glass mirrors for telescopes that go in outer space never had one break.

I agree 100 percent. When shipping any item with insurance all carriers will pay up to 75 cents on the dollar. It also should have been created all lot better. I have second thoughts now any sending anything to haydoug....JMO

Re: Who's to blame

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:05 am
by jwheat
Originally posted by T-Rex
I have second thoughts now any sending anything to haydoug....JMO

Kinda strange that you would base that statement on just one transaction. I, myself, have never had any business transactions with Doug, but I wouldn't let this one thing influence my decision to do business with him.

Re: Re: Who's to blame

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:01 pm
by haydug
Originally posted by jwheat
Kinda strange that you would base that statement on just one transaction. I, myself, have never had any business transactions with Doug, but I wouldn't let this one thing influence my decision to do business with him.

Since it was returned in the same box it arrived, yeah, I can see that haydoug was to blame for this one.
How about the idiots that throw a box out of there truck? Will you use UPS again? I wouldn't, if they can tear this package up, think what they can do to your's. :drink:

I believe it has already been said in this thread but here goes again: if this thread doens't concern YOU, why post? :usa

There should be 2 people posting, smitty911, and haydug.

OH, and maybe UPS! :hammer:

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:40 pm
by UpsMan
OK, since you asked for my goes. I am a ups driver. From looking at the picture, all I can say for sure is that it is in poor shape. Why is it in poor shape? From the picture, I would say a combination of things. I can tell you that large, heavy fragile items are not our specialty. I dread shipping those things myself. I know that we don't purposely wreck stuff just for fun, but honestly our system isn't set up to handle that stuff. Our supervisors and business developement people would tell you otherwise, but I am the guy trying to deliver you this package after it has been through the system. It isn't any fun presenting someone with this kind of a package. Downright embarrasing. Its hard to tell from looking at the picture, but I would say the packaging left something to be desired. I know there is only so much cardboard and tape you can put on something, then you have to ship it and hope for the best. If I was to ship this, I would build a wooden box of some sort for it. That can get damaged too, but it really improves your chances. It costs more, but how much is that damage going to cost? Another problem I see here is timing. I'm going to assume it was shipped in December? Big mistake. During December we have a lot of seasonal employees working for us that really don't give a crap about your package. I can tell you most of us regulars really do care. Quit laughing, I'm serious. One more thing. UPS will do everything they can do to not cover this damage, whether or not you paid extra and fully insured it. It's just the way it is. You will be blamed for "improper packaging" I bet.
I also just want to say FedEx doesn't do any better. The only advantage they 'may' have is that they have a lot less volume so maybe they can take a little better care of your box, but I have heard a lot of complaining from my customers about FedEx's quality also. The best way to ship this is in the back of your own truck, but that is kind of expensive, no?
And haydug, why do you have to call us idiots? One thing you should never do is mess with the guy bringing you your stuff. After all, he is alone in that truck with your boxes. It wouldn't hurt to be nice to that guy. In fact, a little token of appreciation is nice. I don't forget when customers give me something to show their appreciation. Cookies, chocolate, gift cards, booze, etc. When someone shows me just a sliver of appreciation, I take extra good care of them and their stuff. Now, when the bitchy old crank chews me out for leaving their crap on the porch instead of wading through two feet of snow to put it in the back door of their garage, well I don't forget that either. You might say " why should I show gratitude for someone just doing there job?" You don't have to. We are very well paid. But it really means a lot to know you are appreciated no matter what you are doing. My wife baked cookies for the last guy that built her race motor just to say 'thanks'. I bet that doesn't happen everyday, but it would be nice if it did. I need to rest now.

Well I talked to UPS and Doug.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:40 pm
by Smitty911

Thanks for getting with me.

I have no concern that we can work this out.biggrin.gif

I talked to UPS. They want to pick it back up and inspect it. LOL Than they want to send it back to Doug for repair. LOL What they plan on finding is beyond me. Doug did have an excellent idea. Just give them the pictures instead of the whole thing and let them get back to me before I give them anything.

Oh well life goes on.

For all,

All businesses will have a problem from time to time. The point is not that there are problems. It's how those problems are handled. At this point I still have faith in Dougs ability to make things right and will continue to support him and his business.



Good info.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:46 pm
by Smitty911
Originally posted by UpsMan
OK, since you asked for my goes.  I am a ups driver.  From looking at the picture, all I can say for sure is that it is in poor shape.  Why is it in poor shape?  From the picture, I would say a combination of things.  I can tell you that large, heavy fragile items are not our specialty.  I dread shipping those things myself.  I know that we don't purposely wreck stuff just for fun, but honestly our system isn't set up to handle that stuff.  Our supervisors and business developement people would tell you otherwise, but I am the guy trying to deliver you this package after it has been through the system.  It isn't any fun presenting someone with this kind of a package.  Downright embarrasing.  Its hard to tell from looking at the picture, but I would say the packaging left something to be desired.  I know there is only so much cardboard and tape you can put on something, then you have to ship it and hope for the best.  If I was to ship this, I would build a wooden box of some sort for it.  That can get damaged too, but it really improves your chances. It costs more, but how much is that damage going to cost?  Another problem I see here is timing.  I'm going to assume it was shipped in December?  Big mistake.   During December we have a lot of seasonal employees working for us that really don't give a crap about your package.  I can tell you most of us regulars really do care.  Quit laughing, I'm serious.    One more thing.  UPS will do everything they can do to not cover this damage, whether or not you paid extra and fully insured it.  It's just the way it is.  You will be blamed for "improper packaging" I bet.  
 I also just want to say FedEx doesn't do any better.  The only advantage they 'may' have is that they have a lot less volume so maybe they can take a little better care of your box, but I have heard a lot of complaining from my customers about FedEx's quality also.  The best way to ship this is in the back of your own truck, but that is kind of expensive, no?
And haydug, why do you have to call us idiots?  One thing you should never do is mess with the guy bringing you your stuff. After all, he is alone in that truck with your boxes.  It wouldn't hurt to be nice to that guy.  In fact, a little token of appreciation is nice. I don't forget when customers give me something to show their appreciation.  Cookies, chocolate, gift cards, booze, etc. When someone shows me just a sliver of appreciation, I take extra good care of them and their stuff.  Now, when the bitchy old crank chews me out for leaving their crap on the porch instead of wading through two feet of snow to put it in the back door of their garage, well I don't forget that either.  You might say " why should I show gratitude for someone just doing there job?"  You don't have to.  We are very well paid.  But it really means a lot to know you are appreciated no matter what you are doing.  My wife baked cookies for the last guy that built her race motor just to say 'thanks'.  I bet that doesn't happen everyday, but it would be nice if it did. I need to rest now.

Thanks for the information. It may help other in the future avoid these sort of things.

What would you suggest in dealing with the damage claim?

I fully expect them to deny it at first. But I do have a big mouth and use it fequently. LOL I have no qualms about writing, talking, staying on hold to get this resolved. At some point, I person will have to make a decision and that's the guy I want.

I do agree with the alittle appreciation the last guy in the chain. He is stuck with a shrug and embarresment.
