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Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:38 pm
by SpArx
Killer deal, got the wrong color from Doug, go on ebay now if you got a YFZ450 for the best deal on your YFZ Houser swingarm now! Item # 4609929475.... Doug let me know when the other one is on the way... Thanks,

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:43 pm
by Pro400EXC

It seems like you people have alot of problems with Doug.

Doug gets back with me a.o.k and I even messed him up a few times and he's still very nice with me. I told him i will be able to have my engine fixed and yada yada we can start on it. Then soemhting comes up on my end and i cannot have it done anymore,but Doug is still very polite and nice to me and responds back.

Sure it takes him a little bit of time,but i mean the man is busy. He doesn't sit opn a computer all day long looking at pictures and posting on forums,I mean he does have a buisness to run.

And Doug, thank you for your help and such. And I WILL have that dale fixed withing this year,lol I want it done before July which I hoep i can. Work is slow now but it'll pick up soon so hopefully i can finaly take care of you. Cause you are a great guy from what i have expierenced

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:10 am
by SpArx
Hey Doug, still waiting for your reply on our next actions to get the right swingarm to me. Please PM me back, last one I got from you was on the 10th. Thanks, Gavin.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:48 pm
by SpArx
Is Doug still alive? I'm still awaiting a response let alone the resolve to me getting the wrong colored swingarm even when we finally agreed on the solution to this ongoing problem? So it's officially been over a year now to get the right swingarm even when I had to pitch in an additional $500! I"m starting to wonder if I'm ever going to get this swingarm, even this year? Please respond Doug so we can get me the right swingarm ASAP.


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:26 am
by UpsMan
ASAP? Ha Ha. It's already been a year? Too funny. I'd have given up on this deal about 10 months ago and moved on.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:55 am
by bombsquad54
sparx, why didnt you spend 25-30 bucks to get the swingarm powdercoated, that would have been a **** of alot smarter than selling it. im sorry that all this happened to you, i bet doug is not at fault, i have ordered thousands of dollars in parts from him and never had a problem, i hope everything turns out good. good luck to you and doug. :drink:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:17 pm
by ccole
"thousands of parts"? Wow. really?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:36 pm
by bombsquad54
ok sorry i fixed it, LOL

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:45 pm
by Pro400EXC
you guys think it could be that doug is building a whole new shop from the ground up single handedly?

I mean i sure as **** know carpentry work isn't the funnest or easiest..and i am sure he's not just sitting twiddling his thumbs all day long..

so everyone quit getting your panties in a bind

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:05 am
by SpArx
Okay, all this after I just paid another $400 for items I already paid for to get all over again. So I might as well powdercoat it when yet again it wasn't even my fault? Doug asked me to sell it to save on the shipping so the buyer would have to pay instead of him.... These aren't ideas that came outta my head, I'm trying to do everything he advises to speed up the process of getting the right parts I ordered a year ago, and it's still taking this long! What else do you expect me to do? Your right, Doug isn't at fault, Houser should just paint every swingarm Red so that even if the boxes say they are blue, we know they really are red inside! Even after every bit of info I ever sent to him mentioned the color of every item always being red. I got all the other items red, all except for one of the biggest item, the swingarm! That's why Doug was choked and thought I was messing with him when I told him that I finally got the swingarm and it was blue! I have all the messages to back myself, I just want my red swingarm I ordered and paid $300 over retail for! Is that so much to ask? The next step is just to call Houser in a plea to settle this outta a goodwill deal! I guess I ordered my 1001 part, that's why your good up to 1000, then the mistake comes in at item # 1001! It's my fault I wanted the red one, I'll admit that.... But some guy right next door to Doug bought the swinger anyhow, so it got sent right back to him at his cost off EBay. Now we just hav e to figure out the cost of splitting the auction, and when I'm going to get my swinger Doug said he ordered about a month ago. Been trying everything to get ahold of him ever since! I wish I had your guys luck with the service! But I seem to have the same luck as everyone else complaining here, I'm not the only one at least!