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Why are you ignoring me?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:37 pm
by SpArx
Why was my last post deleted, and why are you avoiding finishing off the agreement you gave me in email and have yet to fulfill your end of the deal? Was $3000 spent at your shop not enough to give me better service than this? You know my email, I want to call you, please give me a number that works. I won't give up! It's been almost a year now! Gavin

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:41 pm
by haydug
The agreement is exactly what you wanted, not me. I did not agree to that. If we would have shipped UPS, which would have cost you more money, we might not have had this issue, which you want me to eat 100%. How fair is that?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:07 am
by SpArx
You eat 100% of what? Your cost is less than my cost! So of the $1000 we are negotiating over, that costs you maybe half to 3/4 of that at most! Plus, I was the one who never sniffled when you overcharged me $35US on the RPM axle that we agreed on $340 cost, not the $375 I was charged!
Explain to me why my last post was deleted? When your done explaining that, explain why not one call was ever returned once you received money from me? I've been nothing but flexible with you. UPS can lose items just as much if not worse than USPS. I know, I have bought ten times the amount of items I've bought from you alone! Your the only one who lost an item and hasn't reimbursed me! And I've only lost one other item in over 150 items purchased from the States! One item I received from you even had been resent to you once due to address error. So in other words I lost $1000 cause you misprinted my address! Suck it up and take responsibility for you actions instead of continuing to avoid me and ignoring my emails and phone calls like you have been with others! So what your saying is that you'd rather I cancel the credit card charge of $1040 instead of your option to pay your cost for new items and I'll pay the shipping, whichever way you want it shipped to me, no matter what the cost! If this isn't good enough, Houser will be getting a call from me very shortly since their waiting to hear back in regards to this issue! Gavin Corcoran

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:15 am
by SpArx
These are the following emails that were sent back and forth so everyone can see for themselves what went on and what to expect from Haydug Cycles:

Ignore? No sir, I have simply been busy for 2 days.So, you want to pay for the shipping of one new swingarm? You want me to ship it, chain guide, and bar clamp?

Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2005 18:06:53 -0700

Gavin: So are you just going to keep ignoring me or are we going to fix this situation? This is the exact service I've been getting from the start and just wanna finish this. Lets not make it get anymore ugly then it has already gotten and just sort it out once and for all. I'm really loosing my patience and wish you guys could just act a little more professional for once. Please get back to me ASAP. Gavin.

Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 00:38:09 +0000

Doug: here is my deal with this whole situation. I did not want to ship to Canada. I have no way of tracking this stuff. As for the clamp. If my memory serves me, I know you had made reference that you wanted to switch to a big clamp instead of the regular size clamp. I have been taken advantage of before by people, who always seem to resort to the "cancellation" of the charges on the credit card. I am no longer taking them because of this reason. The straw that forced me to make that decision was a guy cancelled his charge, after receiveing his parts ($800) but the light was broken (box was ripped by UPS) and refused to file a claim with UPS. So, I tried to get him to return the broken light, which I would refund that amount. He refused. Then cancelled his card charge, which left me high and dry, and him (thief in my opinion) with free parts.
I would love to work something out with you, but, I also feel like I should not have to eat this whole deal as well. Please let me know what you have in mind.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 13:26:04 -0700

Hi Doug,
I haven't heard back from your company and am trying to sort out what to do with the ongoing issue of my lost parts for my YFZ450. I had ordered the houser products from you back in February. I was inquiring to see if you heard of anything from USPS or if you have any ideas in how to rectify the issue of the lost items. Basically I am short the $1040 I was charged for the swingarm, chain guide, and oversized steering stem clamp with no items to show for it. If I cancel my charge with Mastercard you would loose more than if I were reinbursed as your cost is less than what I paid to recover the items. But I simply can't give away another $1000 for items I should already have. If you can figure out a way we can fix this problem within a week from this date I will refrain from cancelling the charge withdrawal. Until then I hope we can come to an agreement on how to solve the problem without having to go through anymore people than you or I. Thanks for your time, Gavin.

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:42:32 +0000

Doug: gavin, the front arms and swingarm were shipped on the same date. I will check somehow with usps but not sure how to track it. Let me see on my end.

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 06:51:10 -0600

Hi Doug,
Just an email to update you on what I have received and not as I just left a message on your business phone # about not receiving the Hiper Carbon front rims and my Houser Swingarm and chain guide. Well ironically right after leaving that message I received the front Hiper rims, so now the only thing left is the Houser round housing swingarm, chain guide, and invoice for all the parts. I did receive the A-Arms, rear Hiper wheels, steering stem and clamp, and MX linkage before with the A-Arm box actually being labelled as the swingarm, which may have caused some misdirection of the parts you sent out maybe? It's funny how some items came to me so quick and some like the swingarm is still missing. I just was wondering when you sent out the swingarm and chain guide? Sorry for hounding you, but the MX season here is bout to start and I really wanted that last part to complete my bike. Thanks for everything, Gavin.

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:57:13 +0000

I can get the exhaust and kill switch coming yes, but I cannot ship it for $650. Just, so you know, I will have around $615 to my door in it, but guessing you will have around $30 in shipping. Let me know asap and I will get it on the way, takes 3 days to get to me.

Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 20:13:06 -0600

Hi Doug, Please let me know the progress of things so I don't end up having items on their way from you while I bought from somewhere else at the same time. Just to let you know I'm ordering up a set of them Fasst Flexx handlebars tonight so you don't need to bother getting a price on those unless you can get them for me for less than $250, they retail for $300. I'm still waiting for the front Hiper rims, the swingarm/carrier, chain guide, and bottom adjustable sterring stem bottom as well as the invoices. Thanks, Gavin.

Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 17:10:52 +0000

kill switch: $35
Yosh: $650
I can't get a filter at the moment. They are on backorder. I also noticed you are waiting on shocks, who did you order them from? I didn't get an order for shocks, but I can get you a set quckly if you need them. Please let me know. Thanks, Doug

Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 08:46:09 -0700

Hey Doug,
Please let me know when you get the prices on these items as I would like to get them ordered ASAP if the prices match up with what I expect. I'm trying to get my quad all ready for MX by the end of April. I am still waiting for the swingarm and front shocks, everything else seems to have come in so far. Thanks, Gavin.

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:50:30 +0000

I can get it for you no problem, I'm on vacation this week, just checking my email today. I'll get you prices on Monday. Thanks, Doug

Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 06:59:44 -0700

Hi Doug, Just to let you know I just received the A-arms and the axle yesterday. I'm sure now that the swingarm isn't too far behind. Thanks again for placing the items as a gift, I merely had to pick them up and avoided the $5 handling fee and the 7% GST tax. Makes it even a better deal having bought and recieved everything that way! Thanks again for everything, I'll keep you updated on the rest of the shipments. I have a few more items I'm looking for if you can try to help me out and see what kinda prices you can get me for them. Here's the short list:

Red Pro design kill switch, Yoshimura TRS Pro full titanium exhaust, Thumper talk style billet decomp plug for the head, stainless steel scotts or mx revolution oil filter, and I was going to stick with the AC nerfs with red nets if you can get all this, just let me know how much you can get me it for. Thanks again, Gavin.

Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 23:34:18 +0000

Gavin, I got the message to call you, tried but didn't get through. I hope you have started reveiving parts by now, I sent the bill in an envelope, but it was returned to me. I will try to send it again, but may have to fax it to you. My cell # 740-709-6017 if you need to contact me and can't get through at the shop, I know that can be difficult at times. Thanks, Doug

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:25:25 -0700

Hi, I am looking for a price quote for the following items to be sent to me via USPS to my Canadian location. I will be putting in a order right away depending on availability and lowest price I get. I would like all these items in the Translucent Red color that Houser offers. Here are the following items all for the Yamaha YFZ450:

Houser +2.5 wide long-travel a-arms
Houser stock length round housing long travel swingarm
Houser Chainguide for swingarm
Houser MX shock linkage
Houser +1 steering stem
Houser Anti-vibe stem clamp
Houser Adjustable bottom stem mount

I will need the total for all the items, and the cost for shipping as well. I will call the company that gives me the best price for the complete sale. Please leave a number in which for me to contact you. Thanks for your time, Gavin.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:56 pm
by haydug
SO: one package arrived even after being miss addressed, using the very address you gave me.
Did you forget about first telling me you didn't receive a handlebar clamp, then changing to you wanted to switch it for an oversize?
How do I honestly know you have not received this part? As I have asked you before.

I will do 1/2 of dealer cost, and pay shipping. It will be shipped UPS, with tracking, and also shipped by business so you will be responsible for your taxes/duties or whatever. I tried helping you with all of that b.s. by shipping it from me personally USPS and it bit me. So, we both gambled, we both lost.

You pay 1/2, we'll ship it up.

No free handlebar clamp :drink:

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by Mjollnir
Can I chime in? None of my business, but everyone knows I butt in anyway. No one else has, so I feel compelled to speak up so that these two parties can see how at least one person is seeing this.

Doug - It would appear to me that you were a pro from the start. He waited 6 months to come back to you about the Swingarm - how are you to know that he didn't or break it racing or something? He also very quickly became hostile, calling you unprofessional when you had clearly displayed your regular level of professionalism in all the e-mails.

Mr. Sparx - Not calling you a liar or anything, but if I was missing that much in parts, I **** sure wouldn't wait 6 months for a followup. That's just me. You also accuse him of ignoring you when he clearly had responded to your previous e-mail, as shown in your own transcripts.

Something smells fishy to me, that's all. I think Doug's offer is very gracious. Perhaps we should all take this as a lesson to request that a shipper use a trackable shipping method when shipping high dollar parts.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:53 pm
by fixthedale
I have shipped a lot of stuff USPS. Always figure shipping cost so the buyer pays for a tracking number and insurance. Definitely worth it. If the buyer won't pay for the extras then no sale.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:55 pm
by MyCannibal
i know neither of u but one of u is full of ....

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:55 pm
by SpArx
Waited 6 months to reply? Where did that come from? I called every two weeks to a month after I did not receive the item within a month as usual. If Doug is honest he will verify this up front. After that it started to be a call every month to month and a half, sometimes I wouldn't call for almost two months, but sometimes I was calling twice in two weeks! He still has yet to explain why my post was deleted. Or why he never ever called me back when he would. I have all invoices but that one invoice for $1040 so I don't know what was supposed to be on there. He never sent an invoice even when it was requested time and time again, even without the parts. The item which made it to me which was misaddressed only made it to me once it was sent back to you and re-addressed by your company. Why the swingarm didn't make it to me I don't know. All I know is that I received everything else fine, like 5 of 6 boxes at least and never saw or signed at USPS for that box! How can I have it when I have to sign for it! I signed for every other box but that one! The oversized steering clamp was what I required like 4 months after and you or the lady working there said that it would be sent out as well again with the missed items that I never received. That's why I claim that has to be sent out too, because it was one of the items I believe you charged me for on the invoice that I have no idea what is on there and how much each item is. I even fully offered to pay for it no problems when you said that was not one of the items offered. Since Dec4 the last email in that list, I have emailed him at least 5 times with quick responses just asking for an update, be honest Doug tell them you didn't respond just because I only have this one and didn't save the others:

Hi Doug,
Can you please send me a quick email on the status of our agreement. I would just like to know what's went on and when to expect transactions and shipments. As well can you leave me a number to contact you from now on to make discussions quicker. Thanks, Gavin.

>From: "Doug Flinner"
>Subject: RE: Houser Swingarm and Chain Guide
>Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 01:22:02 +0000
>Ignore? No sir, I have simply been busy for 2 days.So, you want to
>pay for the shipping of one new swingarm? You want me to ship it,
>chain guide, and bar clamp?

Let me know how much you expect to pay since I do not know your cost and the total. This is for what I paid for but didn't receive, forget about the bar clamp, I'll get that somewhere else just so we keep this clean and not confusing. The items should be the stock length YFZ Houser swingarm assembly, chain guide, and the front adjustable steering stem stop, all in translucent Red. I have received the a-arms, the steering stem, the hiper wheels, the RPM axle, the box with the brake reservoir cover, parking brake blockoff, with a couple of invoices for the items recieved, the swingarm chain roller relocator. That's what I can remember right now, but I believe it was only one box that had the swingarm, chain guide and steering stem stop in it, you only know, I never received the box.

I only got mad and personal this last November after the transactions way back in February. I was patient when told every month to wait that I was being taken care of. Once even lied to by the lady at the front counter telling me everything was being sent out all over again in June/July just to shut me up and to wait another two months before calling back. I kept getting the blow off. If anyone wants pictures of my machine throughout the summer with no swingarm parts I'd be glad, I have more than enough witnesses. And I never raced my machine, so how and why would I cheap out and try to get Doug to pay for parts broken in a race when I believe that would be Houser's duty themselves even if I chose to do so? I have pictures from build date to today, I can go take a picture of it in the garage and picutres of many of the boxes I still have. A picture of the Fasst Flexx bars I can't mount cause I got the regular bar clamp, not the oversized. So I'm a crook for that misunderstanding, but Doug's a nice guy for charging me $375 on an axle we agreed on $340 for? I saw it, thought no big deal, he was a great guy on the rest of the parts and he does have a business to run. And not once I sniffled on the cost of shipping via USPS, it was all up to him if he wanted to charge me Priority international or economy, and he chose economy wihtout insurance. As Mastercard told me, it's his responsibility to insure the item arrives to me. I can't accept an item via USPS or UPS without signing for it, so why doesn't he check to see if I signed for it, which I did on every other item than that swingarm box. I make more than enough money to not care about $1000 to get for free, but I am outraged of the service and the fact he could have even forgot to send it out to me completely and got $1000 for free! I've never had an address problem without it being misprinted. I honestly think he totally forgot to send out that one box since he can't even supply an invoice for the items, or that if he did the address was incomplete as the one box stated as he even forgot to put CANADA on the box! That's pretty bad, even though I know they should have clued in with the postal code and all! Anyone wants to know anything, just ask, don't accuse me of being full of ..... and trying to jew Doug outta his money. We both lost out of this one, I am willing to pay half of a reasonable rate for the items, even though it means I lost all I saved on the $3000 spent at his shop back in Feb/March. That's another thing, why would I spend over $2000, and try to steal $1000 in parts? Common guys, have some common sense here instead of trying to defend your Cannondale buddy? I have everything hear sitting in front of me, just ask and the proof will be supplied, I have nothing to hide!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:57 pm
by SpArx
Originally posted by fixthedale
I have shipped a lot of stuff USPS.  Always figure shipping cost so the buyer pays for a tracking number and insurance.  Definitely worth it.  If the buyer won't pay for the extras then no sale.

Exactly, and I never once questioned Doug in his shipping prices and level of insurance he were to choose. Honestly, being Canadian and purchasing from the states, I've always received insurance, this is one of the few times I didn't, and it really burned both Doug and I on this one. I can understand where he's coming, but he has to understand it from my point of view too. I have proof that I didn't sign the package and lied about it. How can he prove to me he even sent the item, let alone sent it to the right address? Gavin