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Is Doug still in business?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:49 pm
by Brad77
Cause I can't reach him. I have tried the phone, the internet, smoke signals. I mean the man just can't be reached.

What am I doing wrong cause other poeple on here post that they have no problems reaching Doug?

What the heck is going on?

Where are my parts?

Why does the number on the banner no longer work?

Why are there so many post that sound like this one?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:18 pm
by krazken

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:34 am
by CptHook
He is in the process of building a new shop. That phone has not been in service for a long time. You will need to reach him via PM

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:02 pm
by Brad77
He is in the process of building a new shop. That phone has not been in service for a long time.

Yes, I have seen the thread showing the pictures of the new shop, but I haven't seen a thread that explains the reason why the listed shop number doesn't work. Is the old shop fully shut down while the new shop is being built? If so, I haven't seen any news of it. The banner and even clearly show (304) 675-3027 as being the phone number. If business is still being done then call forwarding should be put on (304) 675-3027 to whatever the new number is, or the banner and website should be updated to new information.

You will need to reach him via PM

I have tried this also. The last two PM's I sent were not answered.

Also, I really don't know what happened to them. I use the "message tracking" feature in the user control panel. I like it because if I haven't heard back from someone I check to see if they have even read the PM. Well the two PM's that I sent were gone. They were not in the read by recipient box or the unread by recipient box. It's like they were deleted.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:19 pm
by CptHook
Well as you can probably tell by the homepage, this site doesnt get updated often as it should. I dont believe Doug actually has a business phone up and running at the moment to actually recieve calls. If he does it's news to me. As for the PM's, I have no clue. Just trying to provide some insight on the situation as no one else has said anything.


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:27 pm
by DMAC10
Yes Doug is still open for business.

Even though his business telephone is off, You have to send him PM's.

He will respond but sometimes it takes a little while.

I was just up there, and dropped my dale off for him to check it over before race season kicks in.

He is spending most of his time right now trying to get his new shop built. Its looking good so far.

Be patient with him, He has a lot on his plate right now, Once the shop is finished he should have a little more free time.

Just thought I would try and answer the question

( Where is Doug )

Can't wait to get the Dale back, Soooooo Close.


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:42 pm
by Brad77
Thanks for the reply guys.

I hope that this post did not sound like an attack towards Doug. I do not have any anger towards him. I like him and think highly of him. We have always had a good business relationship.


In all my trading with Doug I think that I have shown him a LOT of patience.

I have just gotten worried about him not answering any of my last PM's

Thanks Again


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:28 pm
by Smitty911
Edited by me.
