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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:32 am
by Smitty911
Sounds like the ATK for the past couple of years.

Sucks to be without, I know.

Hopefully they will come though for you.


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:56 pm
by peterock
shocks won't be in for at least another week maybe 2. Busy time of the year for shock companies.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:36 pm
by UpsMan
I don't understand why it has to be such a struggle for some companies to communicate with their customers. Especially a company like ATK. They should be on a first name basis with all of their customers. For the cost of their quads, Frank should bring it to your house personally and show you how to ride it. Since Psychosis is trying to give them money, you would think they would call him back........I just don't understand. You know what would be a nice touch? If Frank would call all 30 or 40 of us that bought his quads and say, "Hey, hows it going with the quad? Do you need any parts? We are having a 10% off sale" or something like that. That would be cool. ATK is small enough to do that kind of thing.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:47 pm
by peterock
As there usually is, I believe there is more to this particular situation that we don't all know about. I know I've personally asked Psychosis several times for his information to help him clear up this situation to only never have him follow up with me. I would prefer to have Frank tied down with business meetings then have him on the phone with every person that has bought a quad/bike from him. Now, that's not to say it wouldn't be nice to have a PR person or dealer follow up with the sales.

Added note also, ATK did offer a parts credit on their website for anyone that signed up on the board last year and currently offer a $250 credit for a new quad purchase plus a go ride with Frank day.

Not bashing anyone's comments or person. Just wanted to originally pass on to psychosis the expected delivery time of his shocks. Out of ATK's control as to how fast Fox can deliver the shocks.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:19 pm
by Psychosis
Peterock; I know about delivery time. The problem is that I ordered dual rate and the ATK ones only come in single rate. They told me they would not order them until they were paid for. Then it would be 2-3 weeks. Well, I've lost a week in that time thanks to not calling me back as they said they would.

As for the situation; summed up:
Won parts credit in 05. Sent in forms for every race w/proof and only got like $100 credited. Tried to use it and nobody would call me back or they'd hang up on me after 15mins on hold. Sent tons of emails/phone calls throughout 2006 and not one returned call/email. Then recently contacted ATK and Frank responded numerous times. Was able to get a little money, but could no longer prove the results thanks to new owners at track I won the money, and no longer keeping history of it. Printed sheets meant nothing that I had saved. He did quote me w/a small amount though and asked for my phone number so we could get the order in quickly. I left it and a week later I have no response. Sent an email and phone call to no avail. That's the exact situation start to finish.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:02 am
by peterock

As I mentioned, not bashing any person or their comments. I offered to assist you with your situation but you chose a different path. Can't guarantee the end results would have been different, but it may have went smoother.

and keep in mind people read posts on these sites. Comments such as:

"Oh, and the chance of me asking ATK for pricing on parts is about the same as the chance of me castrating myself, lol. The only reason I'm dealing w/them on a front end is b/c they finally gave me some contingency money."

Talking about burning some bridges. I would hope all your sponsors read that and reconsider what they are going to offer you. No company likes to see that the only reason you are dealing with them is for potential discount on products.

Good luck with your racing for 2007.

Pete Feldner
ATK Race Team Promoter

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:19 am
by Psychosis
I understand your statement but matter of fact is this. ATK did not deliver what they promised, they continue to not deliver, and won't listen to the people who have made these things better. All my sponsors have helped me out greatly and I have never bashed anything. In fact, I promote them constantly around various forums, friends, dealers, etc. They help me and I help them.

As for ATK: I promoted them at first. I went to races handing out crap to get a buzz, I talked w/race promoters and got two different tracks to promote ATK and also do the contingency. I paraded them everywhere. My thanks? About 1/10th of what I was promised and now they won't call back. The end result? A pissed off rider. For 2006 season I completely dropped off saying I was on ATK's side and promoted the Cannondale dream instead. Why should I support a company that delivers broken promises, doesn't listen to customers, and doesn't even have the decency to respond to calls?

I had very high hopes for ATK and they've done nothing but show me they do not want people racing their brand. I will not deal w/them again unless they decide to actually honor contingency money. If they go back and do their end of the bargain they promised and make an effort then they'll have me on their side promoting again. And that's that. I go where I/others are wanted, not where we're fed things and then stuck out in the cold.

EDIT: Here's a question also. What happened to the Z400 bearing I bought and sent them and they told me they put in? Another broken promise.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:58 pm
by Psychosis
Well finally got everything situated w/ATK. They said they'd call again when they finally responded and didn't so I did again. Finally got ahold of them and got a front end ordered. Talked w/Travis and he was very polite and seemed very knowledgeable and got everything going. Whoever I talked to when he was out didn't know what he was talking about though. I hate to have to say this but I couldn't stop laughing about it. Someone at ATK, don't recall name, told me that their front ends will ONLY work on a Cannondale MOTO frame, not the Cannibal or Speed frames. The a-arms won't mount up he said and the shocks will be wrong. Um... ok.

As for the shocks. They said it should be 2-3 weeks so I guess we'll see. That will depend on Fox though so nothing to do w/ATK. Will have a good review once they come in. Dual stage Evols on ASR front end.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:00 pm
by Delaware152
Your estimate on the shocks sounds correct. I ordered a set of high/low speeds for my LTR and was told the end of the month. You will not be disappointed with the FOX shocks. They are the best shock I have ever had and I have had all the major brands. There customer service is excellent also. I already have one set that I purchased earlier this year. When I bolted them on I realized there was a problem with the rebound adjuster. I next day aired them back to FOX on a Tuesday. They recieved and shipped back on Thursday so I had them for the weekend. I realize they were new shocks but how many companies would make that happen.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:10 pm
by Psychosis
THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY! Talked to ATK today and they will be in my hands on Friday. Then I just need to get the engine back together and install. One little problem: I had a pretty gnarly wreck on Sunday and won't be riding for 6-8 weeks so I don't get to try them out soon. Not too happy about that!