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Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:20 am
by Jnine
No Problem.

Glad to get you back on the track & trail


Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 7:18 am
by TricityCdale
Hey John,

What is the difference between the stems you are selling and the stock '03 stems? I have an early '02 without the damper tab and am trying to improve the handling. I can get such a good price on a stock one (~$75) from my dealer that I can't hardly pass that up unless there is a major difference. Can you help me out with this?


Difference in stems

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:15 pm
by Jnine
Well, steering stems are really a pretty simplisitic part regardless of year, model or manufacturer. Lets face it, set a Cannondale stem next to a Honda, next to a Suzuki and they all look pretty much the same, so I don't know that I would call any change major. Theres only so much you can do. There were some changes made along the way to the stems however, and they definitely did improve the handling. Those changes were made "mid-year", so I think I could answer your questions better over the phone. I would have to ask you a few questions first to figure out which one you have.

Talk to you later.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 8:13 pm
by cdaledave89
Originally posted by TricityCdale
I can get such a good price on a stock one (~$75) from my dealer that I can't hardly pass that up unless there is a major difference.  

I, too, looked into getting a stock '03 stem from a dealer vs. getting the Arens stem. The prices I was quoted by two dealers near me were between $150 and $165!! I saw a post by someone else that said they could get one for $90-something. How can some dealers be charging TWICE as much as others for the same part? sad.gif

Dealer Prices

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 9:37 pm
by Jnine
Hello Guys:

I don't know why the dealer price would be so different. In fact, since I am not a dealer I don't have any idea what the dealer price even is.

Talk to you later.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:37 pm
by TricityCdale
My price is so good because they sponsor me. The $150 range sounds about right for retail though. Thank you Beaudry Motorsports!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 2:07 am
by Jnine
Well if you have somebody that is going to get you a stem for $90 or anything close to that you should probably just get it, even if you leave it on the shelf.

From your sponsors standpoint it's probably not a great idea to post his team prices on here. Sponsorship agreements are usually a confidential arrangement and I doubt he would make the same offer to everyone on the site.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 8:53 am
by TricityCdale
That is true and I didn't mean to cause grief to anybody. My bad. I am very proud and honored that my dealership is willing to give an amateur racer a break on parts. It is very expensive to participate in this sport and I do not take the sponsorship lightly.

However, I am only trying to find out what the difference between the stems is. I realize you are trying to sell a product also. Unfortunately, I am not interested in the politics as much as I am interested in getting the best product for my quad. I just want to know if I am going to be wasting money on a stock stem if I am not going to solve the problem of the bumpsteer. My understanding was that the '03 stem had the tie rod plate(for lack of a better term) lowered about 10mm to alleviate some of the bumpsteer. Then I see someone replacing the '03 stem for your stem. So now I am questioning whether I'm doing the right thing. I can't afford to just throw money after a problem and hope it works and if it doesn't try something else, even with a break on parts. It's as simple as that.

I also realize that you are in a tough position because if you say there is no difference, then people may not buy your stem. Maybe that is why there aren't that many suppliers on these forums. I do respect your participation and knowledge. No hard feelings on my end.

As far as dealer pricing goes. It is no secret that there is markup on products. Why do you think some dealers are selling the quads for less than others? With anything, its the consumers responsibility to shop around and get the best value.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 5:25 pm
by Jnine
No problem. You are right in that the consumer should always shop around.

In the case of these stems, I was only answering a few questions for riders. If people buy a part of mine and it makes their ride better, that's great, and if they like something else better and buy a Lonestar, Mike Walsh, or whatever, then that's fine too. I want the riders to have what they think is best for them, and to be happy with the stuff they bought regardless of where it came from. The last thing I want to do is to try and fool somebody into buying something they don't need.

As you probably know, there are plenty of "gimmick" products in the ATV world. I always go back to the days when I started riding, and I remember buying lots of parts that were either of questionable quality, or they just didn't work, but I bought them because of a lot of slick advertising. What a disappointment! I NEVER want my stuff to be seen as one of those "gimmick" products, and as a result I don't try to push it on anybody. A good salesperson would say that is bad, but in reality I'm not a good salesperson. I would much rather come up with something new and make it, but after that I tend to get bored with the part and want to go onto the next project. That is one of the reasons why I believe the proper place for any ads on CDale riders is at the top of the page in the paying area, (and I have signed on as the main sponsor as you will soon see) and not here in the discussion sections. I kind of believe this area should be just for riders talking together, and question & answer stuff. If the questions are about my parts, that is OK, and if I can answer a question about something else thats fine also. Basically I hate having stuff pushed on me, and I certainly don't ever want to do that to anyone else. If the parts leave my shop and the riders like them thats fine, and if they don't thats OK too. I'll scrap them rather than try and fool anyone into buying parts them don't really need. Anyway, you get the idea.

Talk to you later.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 10:21 pm
by cannondale27
Tri city,
The stem differences have been discussed before but I will try again.

1)no tab for damper,angled at top.
2)no tab,angled at top,tie rod mounts moved 1/4 in closer to shaft
3)Tab for damper,angled at top,tie rod lowered.
4)Tab,No angle at top

I am pretty sure there were at least these four versions.The real reason the mount was lowered is because the joints hit the frame with long travel of moto.Getting rid of angle and making the rod mounts closer to stem did help handling in my opinion it is quite noticable when going from old version to new.