Suspension help

Shocks, a-arms, swingarms, tires, brakes, etc..
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#111 Post by CDaleChick »

Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Kara, last time I talked to you said the shocks where great and 100% better than they have ever been. Even when you told me you had a wreck you never even mentioned that it could have been the shocks fault.
With that said, when I first received your shocks I told you that they where wore out and on their last leg and that they had been abused before and never been serviced. I recommended that you buy new shocks but you said that you didn't have enough money which I can totally understand that. I told you that I would do what I can with them. I replaced everything I could with the budget you had, and like you said earlier I gave you a sponsor ship deal and only charged you for the parts but nothing for labor.
The rear shock did blow soon after you received it and I gladly took it back and repaird the seal and said that it was due to wore shaft. Again you said that you didn't have the money to put into them so I just replaced the seals and sent it back at no charge.
Since then, this is the first I've heard that you where having more problems with them.

yes i thought they were fine when i first got them. They rode different I thought thats what they were supposed to feel like. I have never ridden with proper shocks before. So I figured well everyone else rides them like this so this is how I need to ride. I could also notice changes when I did adjust them so I figured "they must be right." Like I have said before...when I started getting faster I noticed my suspension wasnt so hot for what i was doing. I figured it was just me being picky so I just kept on. But since I have had a couple months down time and time to actually sit down and think what the real problem could be.. I have realized that when I did start getting faster that thats when I had problems with the suspension, because I needed that proper set up. At first I dont think it really harmed the first of the year I was not so bad but I really did work and got a lot faster since then and it really made things different. I didnt want to just go out and tell you "oh I think your shock rebuild was what caused my wreck" I dont think it is your fault so I didnt want to go off and say that. Im just saying right now my shocks arent great for me. I need to know ALL of my options and so I came here bc I know nothing about suspension. Im not pointing fingers at anyone. I was asked who did them so I told them bc maybe some people had the same experiences with the same set up or maybe they had a lot better outcomes. So Im not bashing you or your work Jeff. You have been really good to me and Im not here to cut you down. What I do want tho, is all the options I can get for my suspension. That is the whole basis of this thread. Not to point fingers or accuse or bash on anyone. I hope everyone realizes that thats not what I made this thread for. If I wanted to bash on people I wouldnt have made a thread called SUSPENSION HELP

and I wish I could buy new shocks..if I could I would totally have done it a long time ago. But just as paying pro pilot $650 isnt affordable for me at the moment, neither would be buying a set of shocks. I am lucky that I did save most my money from my last few jobs I had but that money is almost gone now (my bank accounts barely have anything in them). With the art school schedule I had for two years straight, it made finding a job impossible, my hours changed constantly (we didnt have semesters) and my school was well over 40 miles away and I spent a lot of time driving to and from home (sometimes it being a 3 hr drive with Houston traffic). Now I am going to a regular college, but after not working for two years, the hurricane victims taking over all the jobs, and a college schedule along with a race schedule (i dont tell them that tho) its making finding a job REALLY tough. You wont believe how many times me or a friend has heard, "well we could give you the job, but we are going to give a hurricane victim the job first." As soon as I do get one, you can bet that one of the first things I start doing is setting aside cash for buying shocks.

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#112 Post by badvox »

I always thought this thread was about help too. I dont think anyone got bashed about the head. Im just glad Jeff chimed in with the condition of the shocks because that sheds some light on some of your options.

Man I never thought about the job situation in Texas before.
Now I understand why jobs are scarce. We need a "Send kara Racing with good suspension fund"!!!



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suspension help

#113 Post by JeffQuadShop »

I know exactly how you feel about not have the money believe me. Thats why we did the best we could with what you had. The Ohlins shocks (even modified) are not as good as Elka, PEP and Axis. I ran the exact setup that you have in 2003, they worked better than stock Ohlins but they where not nearly as good as the Elka's I have now.
If it weren't for sponsorships that I have received since then, I would still be running the converted Ohlins but I know that I wouldn't be able to ride as hard and would have to be more careful. Now that you have gotten much faster you will either need to take it easier on the big jumps or save up the money for a better set of shocks that can handle the speed you are going now.
As far as sitting too high, remove the preload ring and run the springs all the way up against the top of the shock.

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#114 Post by jwheat »

Originally posted by badvox
I always thought this thread was about help too.  I dont think anyone got bashed about the head.  Im just glad Jeff chimed in with the condition of the shocks because that sheds some light on some of your options.  

Man I never thought about the job situation in Texas before.  
Now I understand why jobs are scarce.  We need a "Send kara Racing with good suspension fund"!!!



Kara...put up a paypal account on here and let's see what we can do. We all like to see a Cannondale up on the podium.

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#115 Post by cannondale27 »

Just keep in mind at a high level in racing most shocks even new arent done right first time.Jeff were those Ohlins revalved?

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#116 Post by cannondale27 »

Kara one important difference between a Ohlins and a Elka is the Rebound adjustment.A Elka if you adjust the rebound it has no effect on the compression because they are designed that way.I believe TCS is also like that.Custom Axis is like Ohlins.When you adjust rebound.Compression damping will be affected.Now a ZPS ohlins will have too slow of rebound even all the way out.I havent tried yet but my guess is rebound valving needs to be lightened about 30% in order to have adjuster in stock position which is correct for compression damping.This is with my Moto shocks.There were over 150 variations in valving on moto shocks.Unless those Ohlins are revalved you should only go +- 3 clicks on rebound.If they are no good in that range they need to be revalved.

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#117 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Originally posted by cannondale27
Just keep in mind at a high level in racing most shocks even new arent done right first time.Jeff were those Ohlins revalved?

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#118 Post by CDaleChick »

Well hopefully soon I will be able to find a job so I can try to buy new shocks... its pretty much come down to I need new shocks more than these are worth rebuilding. This is not good. These hurricane victims need to find somewhere other than here to go to :mad: i mean its sad and all but they are taking all of the jobs around here!

Ok and I guess the brands to look at are TCS and Elka?

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#119 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by CDaleChick
Well hopefully soon I will be able to find a job so I can try to buy new shocks... its pretty much come down to I need new shocks more than these are worth rebuilding. This is not good. These hurricane victims need to find somewhere other than here to go to :mad: i mean its sad and all but they are taking all of the jobs around here!

Ok and I guess the brands to look at are TCS and Elka?

You're definitely on the right track now. You were asking for options, but considering the condition of the shocks described by Jeff, you really only have one option: buy new shocks. I know it sucks and I too know how it is to be low on the flow (money). Good luck with the job hunt and the saving.

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#120 Post by CptHook »

Originally posted by cannondale27
Kara one important difference between a Ohlins and a Elka is the Rebound adjustment.A Elka if you adjust the rebound it has no effect on the compression because they are designed that way.I believe TCS is also like that.Custom Axis is like Ohlins.When you adjust rebound.Compression damping will be affected.Now a ZPS ohlins will have too slow of rebound even all the way out.I havent tried yet but my guess is rebound valving needs to be lightened about 30% in order to have adjuster in stock position which is correct for compression damping.This is with my Moto shocks.There were over 150 variations in valving on moto shocks.Unless those Ohlins are revalved you should only go +- 3 clicks on rebound.If they are no good in that range they need to be revalved.

TCS does not offer rebound adjustment on any of their schocks. This is why personally I chose not to go with them.

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