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Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:07 pm
by cannondale27
It will be money well spent.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:11 pm
by jacobw
I called ohlins they said 235psi for my shock and they said they only reccomend thier oils. I also called propilot they said 94 for the service and 87 for the re-valve and about 40 for the parts. I am gonna have almost as much as I could have a elka rear.:mad:
I hate when everything falls apart right before the race sad.gif Oh well I will get it together. I have my comp and rebound set on 5 clicks from fully soft and it feels great just need to get it stop leaking.biggrin.gif

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:50 pm
by mxer450
Originally posted by jacobw
the shock works and feels great I just want it to stop leaking oil. I may end up buying an elka though if I cant get it to stop leaking.

that would be an even bigger mistake.get the ohlins redone by someone who specialize's in them not some local yokel who thinks a quad shock is the same as a dirtbike shock.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:51 pm
by mxer450
Originally posted by jacobw
I called ohlins they said 235psi for my shock and they said they only reccomend thier oils. I also called propilot they said 94 for the service and 87 for the re-valve and about 40 for the parts. I am gonna have almost as much as I could have a elka rear.:mad:
I hate when everything falls apart right before the race sad.gif  Oh well I will get it together. I have my comp and rebound set on 5 clicks from fully soft and it feels great just need to get it stop leaking.biggrin.gif

id take that ohlins over the elka anyday

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:10 pm
by jacobw
mostly all he works on is quad shock and is a very knowledgeable buy on shocks he just does not work on too many ohlins they are not a lot different then the elkas and pep and axis they just have 2 shim stack one compression and one rebound while others have just one. I pmed crazymarty one quadzone he has done quite a few ohlins he said to take it back and have the guy put more nitrogen he said he put anywhere from 230-250 and I called ohlins they reccommended 235. The seal I am sure didnt get nicked I was there when he was putting it back together just didnt stay when he was putting oil and nitrogen in it. I bet the low nitrogen level is causing it to leak.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:24 am
by Derno24
A rear Elka can be had for about $700-$800

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:29 am
by cannondale27
Actually there is a possibility that the low nitrogen PSI caused the leak.The nitrogen forces the seals to seal.But the shock guy should have known that so yes get it rebuilt by someone else odds are that he did something wrong.Either way it is now low on oil so it has to be rebuilt.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:30 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by RACER101
If you are leaking oil you have a bad seal. No question! You can put all the nitro you want in it it's just going to leak more oil. Get it rebuilt!

Kenny do you need a hug again?

I don't think Jacob wants to spend the money, but I will vouch for you though. Kenny definitely knows his stuff about suspension and if you want your stuff to work right listen to him!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:50 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by RACER101
I don't care, I'm done with this thread. Who cares. I'll be surprised if the dales/ATK will still be around in 2 years anyway. Want to buy mine cheap? PM Me.

:eek: :clap:

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:23 am
by jacobw
I am listening cannondale27 said low nitrogen can cause them to leak, then kenny said to have pro pilot do it. Then I was looking that is cost like 200 bucks to have it done by pro pilot. add 200 plus the 150 I spent on the shock then 100 to have it serviced then 250 for jeffs conversion he did so add that all up and I could have had an elka. yes he will have to add some oil. See why I dont want to spend the 200 buck to have pro pilot do it.
My shock guy is standing behind his work and said he will do what is takes to fix ti up all I was trying to find out why it was possibly leaking and I am getting bashed for trying to find out some imformation. I will ask him to take it apart to make sure the seal is still good it will prob need a new seal to.