Cannondale Frames?

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#21 Post by CANNIBALKID »

42 yards is some serious air. whats that like 120 some feet.

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#22 Post by pdavis »

trust me, i have seen the jump/track bags is talking about, he aint BS'n, i have only seen 3 bikes hit it, and 2 of the guys were pro riders, both pro's were on a 450F and the other dude was on a RM 250

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Holly cow....Glad to hear you could get up after that....It could have been messy.:wow

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#24 Post by aroracer72 »

I remember on my rm125 that i use to have..i tried this finish line 70ft step up..that you hit in 5th gear on a 125.....i come flying out of the corner hit fourth....get into 5th....hit the lip...the bike bogs..and thats when you say to yourself...ohh god da**it....i hit....compressed fully...broke the front break lever with my hand shooting forward from the impact....the bike bounced up...i did like a super man...landed on the bars..and the bike decided to park itself on top ogf me. I hit soo hard..the fork tubs moved in the tipple clamps..and hit my bars...and I left a mark on the front fender from my face hitting it after i bounced. It felt like my noogies were launched into my mouth wasopen from me biting my lip.....ii walked around in a circle for a couple minutes...threw my goggles done...then my helmet...and i walked back to the van...sat down..and looked in the miirror on the sun face was all red..and i have a imprint/red thick line across my forhead from the helmet egde under the lining. I looked like some war didnt hurt too bad. released a few choice words from my mouth...but the key is...dont cry..cause you dont want to be cut up..then be made fun Yeah...and this is as bad as it i know what your talking about when you face it..i know that jump was longer..but this landing is 10 feet higher then the lip..and in 5th..i came from 60mph to about 3mph within a blink of an definately tought me to carry more speed through corners. I always like to go back..and try jumps again that i didnt make...but they tore it down...saying it was too dangerous and difficult....ill never have closure now....darn it. Be smart....get as much speed as psossible when trying a

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