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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:53 pm
by cannondale27
Wow I just read his sig. he will fit right in here:D

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:56 pm
by CDaleChick
So pretty much my shocks are a lost cause unless i get them totally rebuilt- different springs and revalved.

great...... :cry:

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:00 pm
by badvox
Originally posted by CDaleChick
So pretty much my shocks are a lost cause unless i get them totally rebuilt- different springs and revalved.

great...... :cry:

Don't cry yet. I mean like the guy said have they been like this since you got them back? Call the quad shop and see what they can do. Uh, then :cry: then :drink: heavily!!


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:56 pm
by CDaleChick
Originally posted by badvox
Don't cry yet.  I mean like the guy said have they been like this since you got them back?   Call the quad shop and see what they can do.  Uh, then  :cry:  then :drink: heavily!!


well my rear shock has blown on me twice... and i dont want to keep spending my money for them not to be done right. Not saying anything bad about Jeffs work, hes a great guy. But I cant afford to keep shipping my shocks. I want them to be done totally right this next time... I guess it is tricky to set them up for 125 lbs or less. I guess Im gonna have to go to a major shop or something..... if I dont have luck getting a job soon or something then I can wave goodbye to my 2006 season and my really possible 1st place overall finish :cry: :cry:

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:30 pm
by Craig_C
Maybe you just need to pack around another 150lbs or so!! smile.gif

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:46 pm
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by CDaleChick
well my rear shock has blown on me twice... and i dont want to keep spending my money for them not to be done right. Not saying anything bad about Jeffs work, hes a great guy. But I cant afford to keep shipping my shocks. I want them to be done totally right this next time... I guess it is tricky to set them up for 125 lbs or less. I guess Im gonna have to go to a major shop or something..... if I dont have luck getting a job soon or something then I can wave goodbye to my 2006 season and my really possible 1st place overall finish :cry: :cry:

Sounds like you could use a "sugar daddy" and hope you wouldnt mind setting me up with his wife LMFAO smile.gif Sorry if I got your hopes up biggrin.gif

Seriously this sport is expensive (just like so many of my hobbies, and I wont even get into the fact I invested enough into my boat this year to buy another **** new quad, and that suks) and if your relying on others its even more expensive. Thats where so many can get into trouble, and even with doing your own wrenching which is really the only way to go unless you have a very good and close relationship with one etc (sorry to all the local guys, but I am done with all mechanics except for the simplist of repairs, and thats for cars and trucks and stuff caue none of you are getting your greedy hands on my quad or boat again, ever!!) your still looking at some real $$$ even if your just a competitive weekend rider, and more so if your a serious racer.

You do have one thing going for you in that your not just another rider full of testosterone, and if you preparre your resume right, and make a "proper" presentation you have a much better chance of landing some sponsorship help from people both in and out of the industry.

Both sexes have their advantages etc, and I cant think of many male business owners who after seeing a well prepared resume showing them your successes and their potential exposure (no pun intended lol) for advertizing combined with your real and honest need for help in getting ready for the race season etc that could tell you NO to your face. So yes try getting in front of them because its much harder to deny your request in person, and if your any good at that I know of at least a dozen companies you could work for if your still having trouble.

Lastly I think you know you need to contact Jeff first and hopefully you can at least get your current shocks "rideable", and if the ship costs is really an issue maybe one of the guys or girls here with access to a ups or fed ex account can step up and cover that for you too (or better yet post that to one of your prospective supporters).

Then you can start to concentrate on how to obtain a set up that will really allow you to be faster, and that most likely wont include some reworked shocks that were not originally set up specifically for you.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:53 pm
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by Derno24
Don't agree with Lenny.  You think I am bad where do you think I get it

Lenny:  Marlin told me you were dead.  Guess he was kidding!smile.gif

Nah not dead yet, but cant say I didnt feel like it a couple times.

Good to hear that Marlin is still kickin, and was thinking about a trip out there in the spring. You up for something like that?

And dont let Ron fool ya, he is the master. Oh wait thats another story isnt it biggrin.gif

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:58 pm
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by cannondale27
Wow I just read his sig. he will fit right in here:D

Too funny, and also why we all need to consider not screwing people over because you never know how long they will continue the fued. :hammer:

Also that was edited back when I first set it up because I didnt want to upset anyone here too much that it became a problem, so use your imagination to what I really want to say about the pile of crap.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:04 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by CDaleChick
well my rear shock has blown on me twice... and i dont want to keep spending my money for them not to be done right. Not saying anything bad about Jeffs work, hes a great guy. But I cant afford to keep shipping my shocks. I want them to be done totally right this next time... I guess it is tricky to set them up for 125 lbs or less. I guess Im gonna have to go to a major shop or something..... if I dont have luck getting a job soon or something then I can wave goodbye to my 2006 season and my really possible 1st place overall finish :cry: :cry:

I stick to my first statement call them and just talk. Can't hurt. This way at least you can get a price and an idea.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:07 pm
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by Derno24
I stick to my first statement call them and just talk.  Can't hurt.  This way at least you can get a price and an idea.

Good advice and I think I would be calling anyone who may be able to help in any way (ok I know I would cause thats what I have done in the past lol).

And **** Rondo whats up with the almost 16,000 posts you post whore you.

You must have gone thru 3 keyboards just typing here :cool: rolleyes.gif