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Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:57 am
by motomadnesam
Does anybody make aftermarket engine cradles. They seem a tad underbuilt. I have a crack on my left engine mount tab, which I hear is pretty common. I am not looking to buy a new cradle, I am just curious if any body makes them. The only aftermarket engine cradle I have seen was a JB (I think), and it was for a yz engine.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:30 pm
by Canniboomer
The cracking in the cradle is surely aggravated by the lack of shimming between the cradle and motor. A motor mount update is normally done, and that should protect the cradle as much as the motor. But many installed updates are merely a through-bolt and a center spacer, and with all of the attention given to the center spacer. That would protect the motor lugs only, but does nothing to prevent the squeezing-inward strain on the cradle. If there is a gap between the cradle lugs and motor before tightening the bolt or bolts, then you could get cracking with any cradle -- those cradles are dang stiff, and we have seen that attempts to make them stiffer can result in a similar crack just happening nearby instead. Anyway, if you check and confirm that those gaps are shim-filled when the bolt(s) are loose, then the stock cradle is usually fine when the bolt(s) are tightened. And a repair to your cracked cradle would normally hold up.

If you happen to swap motors, you have to check for gaps again. When riding an all-stock machine with no mounting update yet?, or one with an unknown update setup?,....I would loosen one bolt slightly to relieve such severe spreading or pinching strain, until getting a chance to check and shim as needed, and to install a mount update. It's really a rare cradle-motor combo that has no pre-existing gap between the cradle and motor lugs.

But also!, check for excess gap where the front cradle bolts to the frame, and slip some 8mm or 5/16 thin washers into one side, as needed -- again to avoid the massive stress when those opposing pairs of cradle bolts are tightened up. I have seen some cradle-frame fits with a 1/16" gap up front, and you can imagine the pre-stress to the cradle if the gap is not filled. The rear end of the cradle will easily flex to mate the frame, so shimming is never needed back there.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:29 pm
by motomadnesam
Thank you for all of the information. Do you think that if somebody made chromoly engine cradles, people would want them?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:23 pm
by rayspeed
Pulling that off in chromo would be pretty difficult I would think as you would have to machine end pieces to match the frame and it would be hard to hold the needed tollerance. If you were off just a little bit it will break at best or waste a case at worst.
Anything is possible if you throw enough money at it tho. I second the shimming thing and will add people that air out their quads have the most problems, alot of inertial weight its gotta hold on a big jump landing.

With what seems like an ample supply of good ones still floating around and the ease of changing them even if you could build them for a hundred bucks I doubt that you would sell many even if they were perfect and lasted forever.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:28 pm
by motomadnesam
Thanks for the reply.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:24 pm
by cannondale27
Just reweld it.They actually seem to hold up better after rewelding.