Flat tire profile -vs- rounded

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Flat tire profile -vs- rounded

#1 Post by LapTraffic »

Im looking at some new front tires, I like the Razr's especially for the rear, but I saw some Bandits yesterday and really liked the look of them.

The obvious difference between these two tires is that the Bandit has a flat profile across the tread similar to a car tire while the razr is extremely rounded.

What are the benefits between the two shapes?

Where does one style prevail over the other?

I love the advetisements, both of them say the same thing "Great for loose terrain while offering superior traction on hard pack"


Any input here is greatly appreciated.

Anyone use the bandits?

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#2 Post by Redman »

I had razr fronts on my 250R. I loved them. they seemed tall, but never had any porblems. The middle ridge on the razrs helps in cornering.

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#3 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

if the bandits ur talking about are pure sports definately do not get them unless u are serious about never wearing down your tires, and dont need traction on any type of hard surface at all. go with razrs i have them on all my quads love them!

and i dunno what tehre talkin about on hard pack, bandits did terrible on hard gravel but the razrs did well, thought the holeshots were the best
razr front tires are nice too bandits are heavy n still suck haha

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#4 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

heres a pic of the razrs, do real nice in gravel, dirt, and pretty durable even for teh 4 plys

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#5 Post by LapTraffic »

hehe, thanks for the reply smile.gif

So bandits are garbage? (we're talking fronts only here, I am getting Razr rears)

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#6 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

well IMO they are, they must weigh about 30 lbs each haha and they look real bulky i would try to give you a pic of them next to my razrs but i would go with razrs all around i love them

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