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#1 Post by Psychosis »

Got a question here. FleXX Handlebars has offered me a sponsorship for 05 but can't decide what I want to do. If you've seen the bars, they cost $300 new and due to reasons I can't say what my price will be but it will be over $100 off.

However, I already have a set of Tag T2's and X5's. Would you guys turn down the sponsorship and keep what you have or accept the sponsorship? I ask b/c I can't decide. I'd have to sell my Tag's and I probably wouldn't get $100 for the set of them and would need two new sets of bars due to contract and not sure if I want to spend that much. How beneficial do you guys think it'd be for me to accept or decline? Thanks a lot in advance.

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#2 Post by cdrookie »

get those fasst bars and sell them to me!biggrin.gif

honestly it depends on you. the fasst bars only have one bend right? if they don't fit you well you'd be hurting your results trying to muscle your bike around. my wrists bother me sometimes so i'd love to have a bar with some flex in it. thomez has a set on his and just from sitting on it, they felt good to me. if you're comfortable with your tag's why switch? sponsorship is cool, but you'd be going backwards if your not comfortable.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

I think there is only one bend, but the benefits on this one may outway any comfort factor. What you have to really ask yourself is, "Do I get arm pump?" If the answer is yes than go for the Flex bars if not stay with what you got.

Sometimes getting a discount on something you might not use is not that good.

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#4 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Keep the tags

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#5 Post by Exodus »

Personally, I would go with the Flexx bars. Simply put, they are awsome, they will increase your stamina substanually. If you havent tried them, please do, the vibration almost dissappears and they absorb the unexpected impacts very well. And, unless they changed they're linup, they offer two bends, a CR high and a CR bend. I could be a little old on that, But thats what they had about a year ago. Just to let you know though, I am running Tag T2's on a Houser stem, and I wouldnt hesisatate to switch if I had the 250 to do it.

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#6 Post by Psychosis »

I ended up passing. I got a chance to try some today b/c a guy at my dealer's had them and they let me test them out in the back. They feel nice and virtually no vibration, atleast on a 450R they did. But I can't justify spending that much money on two sets when I have 2 good sets already of Tags.

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#7 Post by USAMoto00 »

How did they feel compared to normal bars? Everyone that I know that has tried those Flexx bars love them. I think I would like to at least get a ride with those bars before justifying a $300 purchase.:deal:

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#8 Post by Psychosis »

They didn't vibrate near as much for the most part. Supposedly they're stronger and reduce armpump b/c of less vibes. They're giving sponsorships away though basically. A friend of mine sent a resume to them online aslo and got offered for it.

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#9 Post by USAMoto00 »

No kidding. Seems like maybe they should give shops some demo bars and it may help them sell more. They look sweet, but like you said, if you already have good bars, why spend the $.

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#10 Post by JST »

You of all people should know why


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