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Long Travel vs. Standard Travel

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:02 pm
by CptHook
Ok so winter is here, time to start putting a little money into the quad (pending income). Im trying to decide if I want to spend maybe $1300-ish to get my ohlins converted to tripplerate ssd and get some +2 housers, all standard travel, or spend however much more and get an LT setup. I dont know too much about LT so this is mainly and informative thing for me.

At the moment Im basically a weekend warrior, ride trails, sandpits, stuff like that. I am very interested in getting into racing this summer, Im not sure exactley what kind of racing though, I would like to try a little MX and a little XC and see which I like better. I would like to have a setup that is fairly versatile since I dont have enough money to have two different quads for MX and XC, and I would like to be able to still get out and hit the trails (reason I am choosing to go +2 instead of +3). What do you guys think?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:24 pm
by Sandstorm
I run TCS. I love them. I didn't go broke on them as w/ some other brands.. LT is great for jumping big.. If you don't jump I wouldn't see why you need them..

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:25 pm
by cdrookie
if you can afford the LT setup get it.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:13 pm
by Happyboy

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:28 pm
by CptHook
Pretty interesting thread, unfortunatley it basically ended up being whoevers opinion you trusted more. How much would a decent cheap LT setup cost, when you go LT do you have to make your rear end long travel too?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:10 pm
by cdrookie
rear stays the same. doug has LT TCS at a real reasonable price. i took a ride on his machine and was instantly sold on LT. he's A class and i'm F class and i was completely comfortable with the set up. keep yourself glued to the internet and you can find deals on a arms. tyler lenig had a LT front end on exriders for $850 for shocks and arms a few months ago, but i believe they are sold.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:51 pm
by CptHook
Is LT going to lower the quad to the point where I will be bottoming out if I do XC or trail riding?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:16 pm
by cdrookie
LT can only help keep you from bottoming out. you said you wanted to try xc and mx. a good soft xc valving would probably have you bottoming out alot during an easy mx race. LT would give you a little more travel to combat that.

my standard travel axis are valved for xc. one track we race on has some smaller jumps through out the course. i don't like jumping that much but still bottomed out regurally. i can crank up the compression to stop the bottoming but then the shocks are jarring and harsh.

the only down fall of LT is a little less ground clearance do to the mounting points below the a arm.

i'm sure jeff can valve what ever set up you decide on to work well for you. give doug a call and get some prices, then decide if it'll be worth the investment.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:23 pm
by Psychosis
Originally posted by CptHook
How much would a decent cheap LT setup cost?

If you want used then look around. I got a set of stock Moto a-arms and 04 prototype Ohlins shocks, spindles, brake lines, etc for only $800 shipped to me. Just look around for good deals unless you want new.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:01 am
by CptHook
Thanks guys, this has all been really informative and helpful, keep the suggestions coming (if there are anymore). Once I figure out my money situation for the next couple months since I have an internship I will be doing and the simple equation: internship = no money, I might have to wait a little bit. At least now I know what I am looking at. I always just assumed that LT was grossly more expensive than standard travel.