another injector question

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another injector question

#1 Post by bestonearth »

I went to put in my injectors and they fit really loosely into the head and the fuel line versus a tight snug fit. On the side of the injector that goes into the head ther are 2 smaller o-rings side by side and on the other end there is just one fat o-ring. When the fuel pump primes fuel shoots out from where the injector goes into the fuel line. The injectors came out of another motor which they seem to fit into fine. Do I need new o-rings or what is the problem? I have a lot of racing shops and hardware stores nearby so if the o-rings are the problem i should be able to get them locally, if not i'll just wait til monday and order them from Brad or Doug. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks

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#2 Post by cannondale27 »

Yes o-rings.Should only be one o-ring on each end of injector.One big one and one smaller one.I saw one once that injector was installed upside down.

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