How to: Help!

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#11 Post by CptHook »

Good how-to, wish it was here the first time I did it haha.

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#12 Post by speed2424 »

Excellent job, ****** :clap:

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#13 Post by cannondale27 »

Yes nice write up.

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#14 Post by duwax »

QUOTE (twisted @ Jul 14 2005, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need to get to the corroded valve cover, Gary (cdale_racer) sent me some pics, but silly me forgot where I put them, I know you have to remove the gas-tank and that its close to the sparkplug, anyone have a how to on this?

Well hello there my fine chum.

Goodness, what a coincidence. I had faltered somewhat when a herd of giraffes sauntered past our modest abode in The African Savannah, and I feared that the urine from a large male giraffe was the casue of my inner coolant cover beoming green with envy. Then I spotted your most interesting letter and thought I might enquire as to whether it was a coincidence that a giraffe urinated on my Cannondale, and which caused my coolant cover to undergo total metamorphosis, what.

I am informed though by an intenational visiting guest that this is due to the interaction of coolant with magnesium and aluminium, or as you Americans say ULUMINUM. Do please suggest a cure here. Remember that both Matilda and I are based in mid Africa where the sun shines so severely, so also bear in mind that we have to get the confounded replacement componnts here to The Savannah.

Oh, I heard a good tip though, and if I can ecall correctly it goes like this:

If you over-fill the engine oil capacity of 1600cc, it is highly likely that oil will urinate out of the breather all over your air filter and pants and boots. Goodness, my Matilda would flatly refuse to cleanse these items.

Well tally-ho my American compatriates,

All the best,


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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#15 Post by duwax »

QUOTE (twisted @ Jul 14 2005, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need to get to the corroded valve cover, Gary (cdale_racer) sent me some pics, but silly me forgot where I put them, I know you have to remove the gas-tank and that its close to the sparkplug, anyone have a how to on this?

My good fellow, I think it is quite a task at hand that you need undertake. I do believe that the whole confounded motor needs to be removed from the chassis. However, one of our guests recenltly informed me that he was able to remove this cover by dropping the motor partially and tipping it slightly forwards. Do let us know if this information was of a valuable nature now won't you.

Best regards for now from the hottest African Savannah!

Brendal.roon Good day my

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