Wiring Harness Changes

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#1 Post by RyeGuy »

I just replace the wiring harness on my dale. My old wiring harnes was an x.5 version (I believe the X is handwritten and I am not sure if the dot is a dot or a mistake by the person who wrote it.) The version I currently have is the rev 8. Some obvious things I notice are:

The fuel pump primes when key is turned on. (Before only after start button was pressed)

The Radiator fan seems to run more often.

The radiator fan stays on for about a minute even with key turned off.

Anybody know what other things where changed through revisions? My battery did okay when riding, but will the ecu shut the fan down if the battery is low or will the fan drain the battery so bike won't start? Thanks in advance!


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#2 Post by MyCannibal »

thats basically all I noticed too...if you have a good battery u dont have to worry about drainin it from the fan runnin...it should only run like 3 minutes after shut-off if the quad is hot...i've yet to run into a problem like this after 3 years.

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