stator rubbing flywheel

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#1 Post by Nate »

I recently went to change my stator, after removing the flywheel you could see that the stator was rubbing the inside of the flywheel. all the bolts were tight holding the stator on. has anyone seen this problem? or anybody know what causes it?

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#2 Post by Canniboomer »

If it's a new problem, you could have a loosening crankplate, or worn mainbearings -- to cause the crank to side-shift.
The flywheel is just riding the crank, and the crank is sliding too far leftward.

If it's a brand new rebuild?, then you could have mis-matched components like an early crank in a later case, or an older short-snout flywheel.
Or maybe a case mainbearing was not fully seated, or the wrong (too thick) right-side crank seal was used on an early case.

You could gut the clutch pack and peek around inside, looking for loose inner bolting of the crankplate.

Grinding the flywheel inner surface (at least the raised inner SEM logo) has been done to prevent rubbing damage to the stator, but that would be a short-term fix to protect a stator,
and not necessary for a normal motor.....and certainly not a cure for a wavering crank.

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