ATK Updates

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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ATK Updates

#1 Post by Lightman02 »

Anyone had the reliability updates done by ATK to their engine. I was wondering, I'm thinking of getting it done while it's off season now. I was wondering if the crank balancing issue as well as the cartridge bolts backing out problems are covered in this update. Has anyone had this done, have there been any problems with it. I want to get it done if it's gonna make the quad like any other bike, as far as dependablilty. I want the quad to work when I use it and not go down while riding such as they have in the past. I realize electrical is always an issue, but I'm worried about mechanical right now. I have a new 03 LE and don't want to have big problems in the future. So far I have only fouled a spark plug and had a ignition coil problem.

Any input would help.


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#2 Post by Sandstorm »

Yes those are included in the base package along w/ a bunch of other improvements..

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