450 and mapping ?

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450 and mapping ?

#1 Post by bd126 »

I am going to have to rebuild my motor and was thinking about getting the 450 kit. I assume that the 450 kit would reqire a map change to keep it running right. Is this correct? If so, is there anyone that I can send the computer to that can remap it for the 450 kit? The previous owner sent the computer to Florida for a new map and it runs great(ran great till I blew it up) Any info would be appreciated.


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#2 Post by cdrookie »

it doesn't require a "special" map just for the 450. eventhough some people can "customize" it to suite your riding style. maz has some nice maps, but there's plenty of guys on here that could hook you up also. only you know what map works best for you.

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#3 Post by Jumbo747 »

do you ride really hard? why did your engine blow up? im about to buy a speed like yours with the hmf exhaust & would like to know about this

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#4 Post by blaze#52 »

i just put a 450 kit and crank in mine, i was running the moto map in mine before, it was a little rich, i installed the 450 kit, recaled the throttle ran it, checked the plug, it was a little lean, bumped the offset from 2603 to 2480, running that for the weekend and will check the results this week, i definitly recomend the D+M kit, you can tune and play

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#5 Post by bd126 »

JUMBO: yes I do ride it pretty hard, and the last owner did too. I am the third owner and know the other two owners real well. It had quite a few hours on it so it was probably just time to blow.

I have been thinking about getting the D&M kit, but it sounds like it would probably be a waste of money for me. I have a fair amount of mechanical skill and feel comfortable rebuilding the motor, but that stuff sounds like it is way over my head. Do I have to buy a laptop too, or can I just run the cables through my window and hookup to my home PC? Is it easy enough to figure out that you guys could walk me through it or should I just pay someone to build my motor so they can set the mapping? I guess the third option would be to go back with a stock piston and leave the map alone.

Thanks for all the replies.

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#6 Post by cdrookie »

you have to get the d+m! you could run it through your window. i have no idea how to use mine, but i know someone who does and we are always trying out different maps and checking calibrations. these guys here can help you out with that. and the instruction manuel is decent also. the right map will really wake your bike up, when you get it running again.

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#7 Post by haydug »

You really should get the d&m kit. Think of it as buying jets for your bike. If you have a carb'd bike and it needs jetting, you would buy jets wouldn't you? Also another advantage is you can change maps to suit the terrain and your riding style. If you are going to ride a muddy race, take 5 minutes and throw in a "traction" map, supercross race, put a "moto" or etc. etc.
As for the 450 kit, I have found most bikes running rich from the factory, so the 450 kit doesn't affect it that much.
You could run a cable through the window, but the cable isn't that long so you would be better off spending $50 on a laptop from a pawn shop or something.

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#8 Post by bd126 »

Thanks for all the replys guys. I guess I'll just save my money a little longer and get the D&M kit plus all the parts.

Thanks Again

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