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#21 Post by rob_me686 »

this makes things much easier if i do say so myself
thank you!

again i will let you guys know the results as pending

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#22 Post by rob_me686 »

i just got in from pullin my car beside my quad
i went to jump the quads battery and still nothing
thomez, it still is sounding the exact same during start up nothings changed

now what could this mean?

ive read about the flywheel possibly coming loose which throws out the timing and wont allow the engine to is there a fairly straight forward way to check if it is the flyweheel or not?

would a d&m kit solve my problem rite away? i know i could probably uses a little throttle cal and the euc probably needs to be restart and have the idle fixed.

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#23 Post by cdrookie »

compression test. take the plug back out and screw the gauge in the spark plug hole. the gauges aren't real expensive, $20 should get you a decent one at the auto parts store. hold the throttle wide open, then crank the motor over and see what it reads.

when it quit running did it just die? were you really hammering it? be honest!smile.gif

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#24 Post by rob_me686 »

alright so just any compression tester will do the trick im guessing

and yes it did just sputter then died!
i thought it was becasue i left off the throttle too much and was slow with the clutch before since i was commin up to a turn

and thats the wierd thing!!!
as hard as it may be to believe, i was not hammering it at all!!! :deal:
i was approaching a somewhat sharp turn so i had to slow down, and i just let off the throttle and it cocked out on me. when i heard the engine slow down i gave it more gas to get it back up again but there was no luck!

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#25 Post by Derno24 »

I come to the dance late and you are scaring this poor boy. Well try this. You said you had your ecu remapped and that your pipe is shortened. When you fired it up the idle was way high. You then adjusted it and went riding right so far.


How far did you adjust your idle? If alot then you need to recal your throttle and set the idle properly. I have earballed idle when i first got my quad and couldn't get it to fire. Turns out the idle has to be in range or she won't fire up. I would recommend trying to turn your idle back up as you try cranking it. Then if it starts to sound any better this may be your problem.

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#26 Post by cdrookie »

try that^^^^^^^ but haven't begun to scare this poor boy yet!smile.gif it ran after he turned the idling down so unless the screw backed out as the the guy said on my race report...

and yes any screw in compression gauge will work as long as it has the right 14mm(?) threads.

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#27 Post by Derno24 »

Well the fuel injection is a little touchy when you make drastic changes and can't see them. When you run the D&M you can adjust the settings for perfect idle. Without it he probably used stock setting and it is running way lean. Turning the screw down doesn't correct this just lets the rpms go down. That is why he may have gas, but no fire.

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#28 Post by rob_me686 »

thanks for joing in with the help here Derno24
and dont worry they havent scared this poor little boy yet!!!smile.gif

im not exactly sure how much i changed the idle before the rpms went down.

and i will try playing with the idle as i crank her over see if anything works or not!!

i MAY be able to get my hands on a kit, still not sure tho, it wouldnt be for a while like more then 2 weeks or so. so untill then i was gonna try to do everything that you guys suggest see if anything gets er going beofre the kit may arrive.

if i did get a kit other then the throttle cal, what else should i do?
what settiungs should i record etc...

thanks again, i'll keep you posted!!

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#29 Post by rob_me686 »

i tried crankin it over as i turned the idle screw
and still nothing
sounded the same
im not sure if i can get my hands on a compression tester, i'll ask a buddy whos shop has just about everything if he has one

do you guys think that i'll probably just be out of luck untill i got a D&M hooked up to my quad? or what!??:confused:

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

I am thinking yeah. That could be the problem. Try the compression while it is down. Then when you get a chance at a D&M do throttle recal and set your idle right and I bet you will solve your problem.

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