Problem Help!!!

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Problem Help!!!

#1 Post by jarred15801 »

Allright im having trouble with my fourwheeler Cannondale fx400 it has all the updates. But anyways i was going down the road and right when i shifted into second gear the lid to the radiator coolant lid poped off and the coolant came out. I didn't knwo it was that uintil i stopped. But when it happend i kept riding it hard for another 300 yards just thinking it was water becasue i didn't see the cap come off. Then i slowed down and shut it off and realized it was athe coolant then. Well then i tryed starting it and the exhaust was white but it would never start but it just kept trying too. I refilled the radiator with coolant and still no luck. It feels like theres very little air coming out of the exhaust when i try to start it but it does almost start sometimes. I think its leaking coolant somewhere now too not sure though. Any ideas whats wrong with it or why it wont start and what to do??? My friend thinks it could be a blown head gasket. Any help, ideas or comments would be great. Thanks

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#2 Post by cdrookie »

could be a blown head gasket as your friend said or maybe a cracked cylinder sleeve:( do a compression check and drain your oil to see if there's any water in it. good luck

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#3 Post by jarred15801 »

yeah my friend also said it coudl be a crack in the head somewhere

how much money would it be do ay think if it was just the gasket

or if ti was the sleeve?

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#4 Post by jarred15801 »

and how much compression should there be?
and hwo do i check the compression?

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#5 Post by cdrookie »

i don't know how much compression there should be, i'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of 150psi, maybe? you'd know if there wasn't enough though. you need to take the plug out and put a compression tester in the hole, you can get a comp. tester at the auto parts store.

don't know how much $$$ it'd take. head gaskets aren't real expensive and a new sleeve, piston and rings aren't too bad either. but the stuff needs to be installed... how mechanically inclined are you? champion motorsports isn't too far from you, i think they are up north of st. marys, might want to stop in there or give them a ring. doug, of haydug cycles, does great work for reasonable prices and is a super guy, but he's about 7 hours sw of you.

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#6 Post by jarred15801 »

allright thanks

i can do soem thigns my self but new piston sleeve and rings im nto sure ive only hd the cdale for about 3 weeks so im not real smart with there parts.

do those 2 places have any websites or do you know the phone number?

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#7 Post by cdrookie »
and haydug is this sites main sponser,, his number is all over the place on here check it out under the ask the experts section of these forums:)

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

Rook just for knowledge I think the psi for compression is alot lower like in the 90 range! I would call Doug and get the exact psi before doing a compression test!:head:

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#9 Post by cdrookie »

i think a banshee suppose to have 120+ and they have no compression. you could blow that kick starter down. does anybody know how much they're suppose to have???????????

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#10 Post by josborn »

They better have more than 90 and 120. They should be up in the upper 180-190 range at least.

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