is this piston ok?

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#11 Post by LapTraffic »

It seized while riding at the dunes. Rear tires just locked up. I pulled in the clutch and hit the started while still rolling and it fired back up so I kept riding. went about another 2 minutes wide open (rev limiter) in 3rd gear and it locked up tight. No grinding or funny racket. Just instantly stopped...

Took about 2 onths to get the crank out trying all different kinds of methods to break it free including ultrasound tanks and large hammers... smile.gif

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#12 Post by wistech »

Thats close to how my moto siezed up at the dunes. I had to raise the idle that morning because it really low. About a half hour later it stalled going down a hill a couple times then restarted ok. 10 minutes later while full tilt in a big bowl it did the full screeching lockup and that was it. I had steel specs in the filter for 3 oil changes before so I knew something wasnt good. I love it when they blow chunks at full power. My speed dropped a valve 2 days later at max rpm in first gear climbing the steep sides choke cherry hill. Geared way to tall. What a week of destruction. :head:

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#13 Post by cannondale27 »

Wow!I would replace it.

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#14 Post by LapTraffic »

maybe Ill keepit in my back up motor.

Where are you at Wisetech, I did Saint Anthonies in may. Already had blown up the dale in Florence so I didnt get a chance to kill it at St A's

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#15 Post by wistech »

Im in WI but we are making at least one pilgrimage to the dunes once a year. We were there in may for the ATK ride. ST Anthonies is all the hype and more. We hit little sahara for 2 days and then Anthonies for 3 . It was a little rainy and windy for one day so everybody left. Then we had the whole place to ourselves . All Virgin sand all day. :wow

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#16 Post by cdaleracer52 »

man u just missed out i just sold a whole piston kit (cylinder, piston, rings, and misc) for $50. It was almost brand new, i only replaced it becuase i had the motor apart for stage 8 and while it was apart i decided to go a little further and put a cast iron cylinder and a WWE updated high comp piston. that little kit cost me $340. I wouldnt take any chances with that beat up piston, play it safe and replace it.

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