Why NOT to let your local dealer touch your dale

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#21 Post by bestonearth »

What about my motor that Winky built Doug?, You think I have any chance of getting a refund from Jim? I'm the one that brought it to you and it had cracked flywheel, bad cam bearing, bad crank bearing.

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#22 Post by haydug »

Originally posted by bestonearth
What about my motor that Winky built Doug?, You think I have any chance of getting a refund from Jim?  I'm the one that brought it to you and it had cracked flywheel, bad cam bearing, bad crank bearing.

That would be between you and your engine builder: alot depends on how much time was put on the engine, etc. etc. I do not want to step into anyone's business. I was asked on this motor to send pics. and give my professional opinion, which is all I am doing.

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#23 Post by wanablaze »

Doug, I thought nitrous motors liked compression?

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nitrous ?

#24 Post by azcannon »

Is this quad ready for nitrous ?
I can blow anything up with nitrous - and I haven't seen a motor that wouldnt blow up with enough nitrous run , I would want a clear warranty on a motor intended for nitrous you know it isn't gonna last long if it's used.
With that disclaimer I will volunteer my quad or bike for a engine testing with nitrous just send that new motor over.
( break it in for him ) just to show him us cannondale guys are the coolest

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