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Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:15 am
by 61austin
Engine ice might cool better but it still has water in it. Deionized water doesn't conduct electricity but it doesn't take long for it to get cotaminated and those contaminants do conduct electricity, so it just depends on how often you want to change it. You can run evans for ever or change engine ice every few months.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:25 am
by JMaN05
where d0 y0u get evans?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:25 am
by JMaN05
s0, n0t diluted, just striaghtup c00lent?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:32 am
by banzairx7

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:41 am
by Happyboy
Originally posted by JMaN05
happyboy-the motor has the stage 8 already done to it and has had the whole engine checked out and is supposed to be good. they said it was torn down around christmas ad thats when the update was done and that everything else was fine. also, only 10-15 hrs have been put on since then...

Sounds like you are getting ready to purchase it? You could be ok just letting it go with as little as you are going to ride it. If it were mine I would be doing all the updates. But, I work on these so its no sweat for me. wink.gif

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:46 am
by JMaN05
yea...i relly 0nly w0rk 0n 2-str0kes...and if its a f0ur, its n0thing like a c'dale

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:26 am
by CptHook
Are you using "0"s on purpose...? Please don't, it just... makes me want to kill bunnies and hurt small children.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:21 am
by Psychosis
He said on another post that his keyboard's not allowing the use of o I believe. Just don't get another kill or save Toby thing going! :wow

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:34 am
by JMaN05
yea, s0rry, my - d0esnt w0rk s0 i have t0 use 0..but i 0rdered a new c0mputer. definitely n0t d0ig this t0 be girly....what ever y0u d0, d0t buy t0shiba THEY SUCK!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:38 am
by JMaN05
happyb0y-what the **** is a cann0dale hybrid "02'/03' Cannibal Hybrid"

and h0w d0 y0u get a new atk, where can y0u ad where is the cheapest?? i see al0t 0f pe0le with them 0n haer, they must be rich...