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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:48 pm
by kdeal
Remember oil is a coolant as well as water in a motor. I have dealt with a company that sells this for a long time and they have nothing but positive results to say. But none of them ride a Cannondale, so............


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:56 pm
by Happyboy
Well, I got to looking. I gotta say it seems pretty legit. Here, check these out. The second one is the post responses of a skeptic. You gotta check out Norman's wager to prove it works!!

I am getting in contact with him to come over here and say a word or two about it. I am having some sent my way as well for a review! smile.gif

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:40 pm
by wistech
One thing that always seems to point out the fakes is the overuse of testimonials instead of unbiased lab and real world testing. Some of thier own testing was talking about engines running at temps in excess of 300 degrees. Then thier miracle juice dropped the temp down to a reasonable level. A properly running and designed engine should never see that type of temp except in extreme conditions.

I guess someday when I find my quad actually has a legitimate cooling problem that cant be remedied by basic maintenence Ill give these wonder products a try.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:01 pm
by cdalepilot
happyboy, please let us know how it does:)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:56 pm
by Jaybr
I ran it in the 12 hour bike last year, topend blew due to running out of water but bottom end held fine. I guess I should get a heat gun and do some scientific test.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:13 pm
by Happyboy
You been running this stuff? punk!! and you didn't tell us!!

Well, I have a bottle coming next week to test with. I will let you guys know what I find.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:14 am
by Normantwo2cool
Hi guys,

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask them. I would also like to add I am totally ok with the sceptisim that comes along with an oil additive.

One member commented on that an engine should never see 300f temps. Engine oil temps are mainly contigent on two factors. The level the bike is being ridden and type of terrian.

I have'nt done any testing on the cannondales. I have done more testing on all other motocross/offroad bikes than anyone we personally know of.

All of our testing is done with thermocouples in the oil bath. Most of the time we will have one in the water jacket and one in the radiator. The are either connedted to digital guages or data aquisition equipment.

In other words we can with data aquisition equipment log Multiple temps,lap times, split lap times,throttle position, mph,rpm etc etc. Then downlaod them and watch what happens to temps in real time.

Without ever testing a cannondale I can tell you that there are member of this board that can make engine oil temps in a dale well above 300f. maybe even 350f.

Also two2cool's main function isnt to lower oil temps. By carrying you oil and barrier additives towards hot sopts in your engine it keeps the heat from being generated in the first place. Lower all of your engine temps. Specifically your oil temps.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:27 am
by Normantwo2cool
Another few points.

Even though any bike owner can benifit from running two2cool everyone isnt our target consumer. There are guys that still own the YZ400 the bought new in 98 and it still has the original top end. This guy isnt our target consumer. Then you have the guy who burns clutches, overheats his bike, or just trains hard every day. This rider most likely is in need of our products.

I didnt come here to spam our two2cool. If you have questions then feel free to ask.

Just a few pics of some data aquisition equipment.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:43 am
by Exodus
Thanks for coming over and giving us a chance to ask some questions. As you can see by this forum, these guys arent your everyday "buy it, ride it, brake it, trash it" kind of people. I would say almost everyone of them are researchers and developers for Cannondale. To bad we didnt have them when Cannondale was still in business.
On to my questions, how eactly does the additive find the hot spots and keep oil there?

Does the additive stay in the oil, will I be 2 ounces low in two hrs of riding?

Is there any testing on your behalf to be done on a Cannondale?

Thats just a couple of things I want to know, I'm interested, but I'd like to see the results.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:47 am
by Happyboy
Hi Norman. Glad to see you found the thread.

Exodus, Norman was nice enough to send me a bottle of two2cool to do a little R&D on. I hope to get the quad out and test this stuff out this coming weekend. I have just been swamped at work since I got it and haven't had a chance. I am going to use the ECU temp gauge as well as a hand test on the spars and look for results. If the test is vauge I am going to try a thermocouple in the tranny oil and see what I can find.

And guys, be nice. smile.gif