clutch is way outta wack

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#11 Post by cannondale27 »

Okay this is what you need to do.

See the slotted outfit?You need to hold that while loosening the nut.The allen wrench isnt used until you are adjusting it and tightening the nut.Now problem is you need a tool to hold the slotted outfit.You can either make one or give a snapring pliers a try.Maybe post some pics of washers and where the plates are hitting the shifter?

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#12 Post by Canniboomer »

good point for sure, first things first, then work on unseizing the adjuster from the allen.

Anyway, washers under the springs? ... an attempt to bolster old tired springs? nah it wouldn't work. The spring strength is determined by torque on the bolts, not by what they are pushing against.... Maybe it was done to provide a better contact surface for the springs? other ideas?

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#13 Post by wistech »

Maybe his bolts were to long? Count your plates and frictions.

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#14 Post by jfarrar »

southbay used to shim there springs or put washeres there to achieve more area for the spring to seat and keep the springs from weraing into the plate.this is probably where he picked that idea up.are you using the same number of plates and the same size plates?there were 2 different thicknesses of plates made.

Big Dog
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#15 Post by Big Dog »

ok still on dads name.

i think the washers are for more surface area,the extra steel at the beginning is so the tabs on the fibers dont hit the shifter mech when some thing somes off.the way to prevent it maz told is to put an extra steel at the beginning and put basically an o ring or spacer on shifter mech so there isnt so much play in it.i guess i havent seen it done but i know my shifter has less play than other bikesa picture really isnt necesarry because all it would show is a fiber with the tab corners bent towards the clutch cover.if i can get a pic i will though.and i have all the same size plates jason.


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#16 Post by hnnblehscnnble »

clutch is fixed thanks for all ur wonderful super dooper help...sorry that sounded kinda homesexual so i wont ever do that again but its fixed yes.


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