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Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:54 pm
by glamister
EASY TIGER! ATK builds a very reliable motor, just do your self a favor and send it to ATK:)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:20 pm
by claas900
..tho i have the ATK crank right now,i havent ran it yet?......but id sent it to Doug if i were to do it again...look at all he does,this sight,bought a bunch of arms for the cannons,and just now cranks..hes working his butt off for us cannon ppl..i think we need to support him..rember..feed the hourse the carrys you..wink.gif

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:25 pm
by Derno24
Again alot of the information that Wade has is trickling to all these guys and they all put there own spin on it. The reliability is definitely improved no matter which way you go. I say take it to whomever is closest to you. I like being able to go and get help when it is needed.:usa

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:27 pm
by Happyboy
Does glamister work for ATK or something? It seems that he only thinks ATK does a good job and noone else can do it.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:12 pm
by cannondale27
If I remember right Wade used to work at Southbay Also.At that time there were problems with both delivery and reliability I believe.But where are the positive reports of the many motors that were done?Why all the secrecy?Q8 and Sandstorm come to mind.I am sure that ATK has a very efficient and good system for rebuilding motors.But so does Haydug and others.Anyone who has done a Stage 8 has been within a halfhour of complete engine dissassembly.These motors will last and have lasted for many hours after just basic updates are done.Now with the new crank any learning curve or testing by failure is over.ALL the problems are covered.Lets reward the people who are taking the extra steps like talking to us here.Not to much to ask yet where is Wade and Southbay and ATK?Havent heard much from them.And where are all the happy customers with real ride time on their quads?Cannondale rocked the industry with their openness of reporting problems and succeses on their website.Lets all continue that tradition.I know Haydug does:clap: