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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:29 pm
by rob_me686
speed2424, you mentioned to crank the engine over for 10 seconds with the plug out, i'll go and do this.. and i will put the plug on the aluminum for the better ground

just a question tho
if it does spark and after i put it back in the engine and then if i try to start it and it does the same thing....what would this mean?

thanks guys!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:31 pm
by rob_me686
well i did what you guys said, i pulled the plug had it in the coil and cranked it then check for spark, there is spark and i know fuel is spraying in the hole so, i put er back in and still nothing... im not too sure about my battery tho, i charged it and still... so i put the charger on and but er on boost and still nothing....

i know its not the same w/the boost but it woudda had the 12 volts for sure. and still nothing....

do you think it could be the idle screw. like when i put the pipe on it was idling WAY to fast and i turned it down so would that be it...

if i were to take a car battery, then connect it as i would jump it, and try to start it like that, that would prove to me if it was the battery or not right....(no d&M kit)

im starting to get worried here, b/c i have no clue whats wrong!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:43 pm
by Jammer72
Timing jumped maybe or a cracked flywheel? What is the color of the plug if its not new.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:44 pm
by rob_me686
its new so the colour hasnt changed
my old on was black tho when it came out

i also know it could probably use some throttle cal but i cant do that so im not sure what good it is knowing that tidbit of information.

would listening to the quad trying to start help anyone with their Diagnostics of the problem? if so let me know if u have AIM.. thanks

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:43 pm
by cdrookie
does it spit and sputter any when it's turning over?

i'd say do a compression test on it. if it has spark and is getting gas, the timing is off or the compression went south on ya! valves might be out of adjustment, but i doubt it since it just quit running all the sudden. hook the jumpers up to it and give it a shot. try opening the throttle to see if that helps.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:53 pm
by thomez
I think it needs a throttle cal so opening the throttle a touch might help smile.gif

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:12 am
by rob_me686
no it really doesnt spit or sputter when its turning over, thomez what would u think on this one... you heard it whats your opinion on that?!?!

how would i do a compression test on it???
and if the timin is off or the compression went south what would this mean...? if in fact that is the case.

instead of takin my battery out, i guess i could juet get one from the good'ol Crappy Tire tongue.gif and then return it. (this would work wouldnt it)

and when you open the throttle at the start, wont it foul the plug? with opening the throttle, do u mean the thumb trigger, or the metal thing that you can twist (under that rubber thing)
thats the impression that i've been under since i got the quad...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:21 am
by thomez
It isn't spitting or sputtering. It sounds to me like it barely has enough juice to crank, that is why I suggested trying to hook it up to a car battery for a jump.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:52 am
by rob_me686
i'll try this out as soon as i possibly can!

thanks guys
and i'll get back to you

Car Battery

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:48 am
by speed2424
Just hook it up to the car battery,but DON'T start the car.You don't need to have the car running!!:deal: