Alright Forget Just The Crank, I Wanna Send The Whole Motor!

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#11 Post by cannibal67 »

Go to Haydug. Or Timbomoose is another option. He can stroker cranks, and port and polish heads.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#12 Post by 440speedrider »

thanks for all the help guys, but im only 19 i got a full time job and i got to college full time, so i dont have much money, i have soem stashed back for the cdale but im not sure how much it will cost, does anyone have any idea how much haydug charges to put his crank in their and mod the crank case, do the oil mod, bearings and all that stuff ot the crank, and then a 450 or 460 kit if someone could tell me a ball park figure that would be nice thanks for all the help all i have to say is that cannondale riders are the best people on the earth, long live the cdale!!

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#13 Post by haydug »

Call me (haydug). I'll explain all of your options, and give you alittle advice on what to do and not to do.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#14 Post by 440speedrider »

thanks haydug, i just wanna know how much money this is goin to cost me, what if you just fix my crank and make it reliable, how many hourse are ususally on your cranks before thy go again? and how much is a 450 or 460 thanks for all your help ill give ya a ring tomarrow what time do ya open

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