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Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:50 pm
by DangerRanger
If I was Frank, which I am not, I would have Pappa Fro get every piece of info I could to him, and make sure people were told about it, that is what cdale did, and that is how they managed to grap the quad market by the balls.... no secrets, get it in their hands, and leave everyone else running to the drawing board.:hammer:

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:04 pm
by DangerRanger
Derno, I just spoke with Grandpa Winky, he said to give him a call and he will get you taken care of.



Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:32 pm
by Derno24
Ben thank you for your honesty. I appreciate you coming forward. smile.gif

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:38 pm
by cannondale27
I have repeatedly called Winky.(about once a week)I still have no crank back.As far as I know nobody that had their Winky crank fail has gotten it back.It has been way too long.I was told the testing was done while ago.I know that there are suppliers and machineshops that have to be dealt with but money talks.If there is a reason Winky hasnt delivered to me he never told me about it and our conversations have been cordial although I have been pushing to get one in the last few weeks.Winky at the time was the only one in the business of the cranks.I dont do and know very little about doing cranks so I put my trust in his expertise and reputation.It failed and I understand that failures happen especially when dealing with modifications so we try again.Problem occurs when I hear that for some reason some people got cranks and others havent, dates as to delivery havent been met.I should see Winky this weekend at Ashtabula obviously I am not racing but hopefully he will have some good news.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:16 pm
by DangerRanger
Steve, I understand the frustration, but believe me...he ain't gonna make anyone feel like a guinea pig a second time....he isn't a trinity kind of shop IMO.

thanks Derno, again, I don't claim to be right...but alot of stuff doesn't add up. I spent 6hrs last night on the phone talking to all walks of life about cdal, about ATK, with some important players, and helping two guys fix their problems on the phone. I am very happy to do what I can, I understand the confidentiality of things gotta protect your own for a bit, and make sure everything is good to go. These things are a work of art....and a POS other times.:eek:

I hope Jeffy got something up his sleeve, cause everyone elses looks empty right now. Never trust the quiet bald ones.......biggrin.gif

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:20 pm
by DangerRanger

Steve, I know yours is the first to get things done. I have seen and made aware of the testing, and plan to head out next weekend to check some more stuff out. Maybe Wink will let me take a better peek than what I have seen. Good thing is it will require only mods to the stock motor, not buying all kinds of crazy gadgets.. I think Wink is really trying, which you can't say for alot of the former and current builders. (PS this is not a slam on anyone imparticular, and if you do take offense, maybe their is a reason you feel guilty) <- my grandma always told me this


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:36 pm
by seamonster
whats up Ranger....change of many times did you call my Yamaha an antique and bash everything that wasnt you dont even believe in Cannondale....what else is there for you.....maybe ya:D

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:45 am
by DangerRanger
hey monster...they are still hands down the best sport quad on the planet...and now the cheapest for a little while....i may be on the one the rest of the season...and maybe next year...alittle dissapointed with everything I had rode so far...just ain't the same as the cdale.

I still bash everything that isn't a one cept them has made it out of the stonge age yet!!!biggrin.gif biggrin.gif all the big four must love antique designs.....tongue.gif

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:20 pm
by wistech
Just diggin up bones here. So what ever became of the imfamous 55 gallon of fuel engine? Did it sieze within minutes or just not happen.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:00 pm
by aroracer72
Well.....if it isnt a memebr of teh winky family. Id never trust your father EVER for anything again. Im gonna go easy cause maybe your different...but i agree with the oiling in part...but mainly its the small count of needle bearings in the lower rod end. We have people with z400 bearing'd cranks lasting as long/longer then japs cranks. Just please if you start up with cannondales again......dont screw around with peoples money and time and do a poor job of making your father did. But ill end my bashing now.....osrry if i come off rude....but it happens when you get teh worst service ever.