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Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:53 pm
by 2000ex
:duel: :cry:

Can't we all just get along?rolleyes.gif

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 1:51 am
by quadman22
alright chris first off, i didn't say i would drop the bike off with you without me there. Sorry but after u already blew up one rebuild i didnt have full trust and i wanted to be there to watch you. Second i never said i needed the help. You were the one that was all happy about doing it, i was planning on doing it myself the whole time until i said u wanted to so u could get a reputation as an engine builder so people would send their motors to you. And as far as finals and work... thats ridiculous. Yeah u have a real job but screw u...u put me down like that. Sorry but i wanna do good so i can graduate and go to college as well as work 30 hours a week at the same time. Do u feel you are that high above me and are so superior to me? and you dont feel bad for me at all... haha i really dont want any sympathy for you but thanks for being a jerk about it.

Dont worry guys i'll post pics when she's all up and running:head:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:17 am
by cdalerider75
Ok dan could you get anymore highschool.....

But you felt good enough.. to let me rebuild your head????

Wow talk about trying to set me up...

quote"u wanted to so u could get a reputation as an engine builder so people would send their motors to you." end quote

BTW.. I didn't put you down.. you can quote me from below

quote" he is a good kid and a great rider)... " Yes I did say that and still stand by that statement!!

Now calm down!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:18 am
by quadman22
"Ok dan could you get anymore highschool.....

But you felt good enough.. to let me rebuild your head???? "

i dont get what u mean?

and how am i trying to set u up?

anways this threads run its course...lock it up and lets move on... they dont call u massholes for nothing:rolleyes: this could go on for way too long lol

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:38 am
by Happyboy
LOL, you guys make me feel so good about myself.....:clap:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:24 am
by 2000ex
Lets see, this little disagreement has now gone about 4 threads deep....nothing accomplished.

I really dont get what you guys are arguing about. I feel ashamed to be a MA Cannondale guy as you two have turned something about helping each other into a pissing contest.

Chris, be a man like the elder you are and stop being a child. You're incessant whining is doing nothing but making you look like the supposed "high schooler" you were trying to help. Especially when you keep quoting things that you deem fact. The fact is you say he is a good kid and a great rider....well the fact is you have never seen him ride......... ever. So The more you keep typing the more I think you deeply want something more than helping a fellow dale owner.

Like I said before can't we all get along? You two dopes got this thread at **** for being children

I guess I need to buy a set of gloves for a possible MA Cannondale ride at my place :box: Or I may need to bust out the can of whoop ***:hammer: :head:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:32 am
by cdalemx301
LOL this makes me laugh it has gone way further then i ever expected it to go chris im sorry if i offended you....your first post just kind of irratated me i dont know if i took it the wrong way or what but when i talked to you earlier you still didnt seem to get my POV on the situation....I dunno if we should mayb have this post deleted or what before it gets anymoreout of hand i just dont see what this is accomplishing...toes have been stepped on on both sides i think it is time to give up and regroup as a Cannondale Group not to halves fighting over a motor rebuild its just not worth the time or energy....All though it is becoming kind of hiumorous

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:51 am
by CptHook
This is one of the strangest arguments I have ever witnessed... Im going to bed now

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:55 am
by cannondale27
biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif ohmy.gif Holy Cow!I shouldnt talk since I am usually in these spats.You guys all need to go riding together.Quadman 22 if you hit edit and delete it will all go away.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:13 pm
by quadman22
how can i delete this thread?