
Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#21 Post by 61austin »

Change the fuel filter and the spark plug since it is probably fouled by now. These are both cheap things that you can eliminate from the possible problems list.

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#22 Post by rhyme4youth90 »

so ya this guy wants to change the fuel pump on it but i dont know if that is agood idea until we find out if it is the spark plug or not. should we go ahead and change the fuel pump or not?

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#23 Post by CannondaleRider »

No, seems like you guys just keep thinking of stuff to change before changing anything. So instead of changing a 60 dollar item, change a couple 5 dollar items first, then we'll help you from there

When you change the spark plug, look at the coil(the black tube that goes down into the head) to see if its discolored, melted, cracked, or ANYTHING unusual about it.

And while your working on it, check EVERYTHING(yes everything) all the connections everywhere. Coolant sensor, crank sensor, injector connections, ecu connections, rectifier connection, whatever it is, check it. Check to make sure the boot between the throttle body and manifold is seated correctly and isn't torn. Check to make sure the airbox is seated correctly, check your vacuum lines, check your coolant(and tell us what color it is:) ), engine oil, transmission oil, EVERYTHING, CHECK EVERYTHING.:hammer:

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#24 Post by rhyme4youth90 »

ok so another problem but this is just our lack of cannondale knowledge. how the **** do we get the spark plug out? the coolant by the way is like bluish green

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#25 Post by cdrider02 »

Have you checked any of the items that have been suggested by these guys? Most of the people on this site will do anything to help a fellow daler out and most of them including myself have been in similar situations to yours, this is why we are suggesting the things we are. So don't get discouraged just listen to these guys, do some searches on here and read the forums you can figure this out. If I was a little closer I would help you out myself.

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#26 Post by cdrider02 »

I must have been typing while you were replying, 16MM deep socket a long extension and long needlenose pliers.

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#27 Post by wistech »

Cannondalerider is right . Dont start throwing parts at a quad before doing the basic examination an diagnosis. Download all the manuals FIRST . Owning a Cannondale means learning to do everything yourself or having someone close by to help out. Coming on the forums and posting the word Screwed as a titlle to your post is not a good way to ask for help.
90% of all problems are alway something extremely easy to correct. Plugged filters,tank screen,pinched hoses -a fuel pressure check catches this right away.
Everything you need to check electrical can be done with the free efi service manual. Bad batteries and loose cables are very common.
Make sure the stator update and all others have been done to which Ill bet have not.l

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#28 Post by rhyme4youth90 »

ok so we finaly got the plug out and it is fouled (probably the worst i have seen) but we are having trouble finding the right plug. any suggestions were to get one?

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#29 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

ive never had a problem getting them from local places, but the cheapest place to get them is from Brad at blackwidow. 4.50 a peice. youd have to wait a cppl days til u got em...but if u cant find em locally pick a few up from brad. 801-302-9288 is his number:)

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#30 Post by CannondaleRider »

Did you change your fuel filter?

Take the plug in to an auto parts place and they should be able to get you one. Also ask for a fuel filter for an old Volkswagen Bug, me and krash use these and they are easy to get locally and are like the stock ones.

Also, i have a question for you, when you guys have gotten it started, what does it sound like at idle. Cannondales are not like Hondas and Yamahas that can idle at 700 to 900 rpms, the idle has to be at least 2000, or it won't run real well. So make sure the idle is not to low.

I think you guys are about do for a D&M kit.

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