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Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:28 am
by wistech
Throw the JE in the trash.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:45 am
by aroracer72
Alright.......soo what should i do???...ill not use this JE.......but now is there any safe piston for the short rod or should i just pull the crank and send it to falicon for a long rod and start using wiseco sock pistons???.......this sucks.....but i wanna do it right.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:34 pm
by wistech
If you need maximum reliabilty then go with the stock ASSO piston. Get Falicon to put the correct rod in thier crank. Or use an updated stock crank and sell the falicon. Falicons are not putting out the torque on the dyno they should be for whatever reason nobody seems to know. As far as the JE is concerned. From my experience and after what I saw last weekend I would throw them away before I would sell them .

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:21 pm
by haydug
If I had the short rod, and a new JE laying there, I would install it and go ride. I just talked to a guy today, who has rode the sh** out of his setup and just won a track championship with it. He had a complete season on the setup before this one also. No need to spend more money than you have to.
DO I think there is a better piston? yes
Would I run a JE again? yes.

I can rebuild my own engine, and keep an eye on strange things happening. Tear it down, and look at the piston that is in it. It has LOTS of time on it, check it out.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:11 pm
by cannondale27
Why run something when you know there is better out there?Cheaper also.On top of that there are wierd things happening to them like the wear of piston into wristpin.Just switch pistons and move on.Some things nobody can control and all of the pistons really are supposed to only be good for around 20hrs in bigbore strokers especially with high compression.Inevitably there will be some who for some reason which nobody has explained will never have a problem.This isnt rocket science here its a piston.If installer gaps rings and checks clearance there isnt much else that would cause failures.Its nobodys fault at all some things are out of our control.Move on.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:37 pm
by aroracer72
Im going the route that has less chance of costing me more money i dont have....getting my crank changed to a long rod and getting a stock piston...well......a wiseco piston i mean.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:38 pm
by haydug
So, 27, here is the delima. If you have a new JE sitting on the shelf, PAID for. And, you have a short rod falicon in your bike that runs fine, also PAID for. How is it cheaper to throw the JE in the trash, buy a "better piston" and then send the crank to falicon to rebuild.
What would you do?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:46 pm
by cannondale27
I would take the Falicon out and demand that Falicon make it the way its was supposed to be for free.Then if I didnt have the $ for a new 450 piston I would put a Asso in there till I did.Thats the only right way to do it.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:54 pm
by GDITheman
doug rebuilt my engine with the short rod falicon and je piston for the 468 setup a year and a half ago. i don't ride all that much, but i have taken it to the track and on long trail rides. probably have between 30 and 50 hours on it. seems to be running fine. i don't know what my compression is, but it smokes the 450's and has torque like crazy at 1 rpm. i'd love to get the right rod on the crank and a higher compression piston, but i'm moving again and the wife blew agasket over the rebuild haydug did. i have the stock piston with very slight wear on it sitting in the garage. i'd put it back in if i knew how. there was also the issues with the kibble valves and springs. i have those too. no problems yet. i'd switch back to a stock setup if i could do it myself. since i can't i just want to ride while i can. i ride on the torque side of my powerband not the high rpm horsepower side. i let the torque do the work.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:00 am
by cannondale27
Hey if you cant do it I dont blame anyone for just riding.I would also.Just be prepared for the consequences later.