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I stand corrected on the edit

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:09 am
by Ryanstones
The way this whole project went to **** is just way too fishy to me. I can't get over the way motorsports was seemingly run into the ground intentionally. Many of the decisions in marketing and production made no sense whatsoever. Pushing production while Selling below cost????????????????????Some folks are still praising JoJoe M, but i wonder if this whole business wasn't a underhanded means of screwing the shareholders, pocketing a bunch of cash and returning the company to private ownership. Is pegasus a vulture or a coconspirator? Was there only one shooter on the grassy knoll?:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:21 pm
by cannondale27
Ryanstones I agree there is alot more to this story both business and tech wise problem is the ones who know arent talking.Oh well went to bed last night all ticked off about the whole thing.Woke up this morning and went to my buddies with the YFZ who still cant beat me in a drag race even after numerous mods.We went out and were jumping this big jump we just made.He came back man you have to really pin it to clear that.Im like really?Try mine.He came back very impressed.My point the problems disappear when you just get out and ride it.I believe sometimes we all think to much when we should just be out riding.All the higher ups and people who want to keep secrets can kiss my:w: